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5th Oct 2023
Mack Reynolds - The Cosmic Eye
belmont publications belmont imprint mmpb first printings sharing merkin-printed covers, first edition

cover art by jack faragasso (unsigned, uncredited; art on artwanted.com website shows his signature)
cover price 60¢
160pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising

refer to indicia publishing history to see if carcass of copy held was canadadian- or merkin- printed
no priority established nor liable to be, both state a belmont book---september 1969

5th Oct 2023
John Swenson - The John Lennon Story
@jpgr&b what leisure books have done is appended the cover price in cents to the isbn (isbn10 by default) - a common trick by some (many) merkin mmpb publishers for quite a while.

they - nordon industries/publications, leisure books - also went through a period of inventing fake isbns by taking their legitimate publisher code, 0-8439-, adding the previous three-digit numerical part of the cat#, and then interpolating however many zeroes it took to expand the result up to ten digits, the final digit being the final digit of the previous cat# instead of a checksum digit (before appending the cover price in cents, giving a thirteen digit-long number-string). . .

these are almost invariably detectable if you bother to recalculate what the checksum digit should have been, comparing this with what they claim: they can only match through sheer chance/chancer's luck.

in this particular case, the isbn appears to be legitimate - they did get over the faking period - and
the cat# on the cover is 1000 - top fly (right-hand) corner, under the lllogo & ''leisure''.

5th Oct 2023
Alan Garner - The Moon Of Gomrath
penguin books ltd. penguin book (title page, under penguin logo) in association with collins
published by penguin books (back cover)
a puffin book (front cover followed by puffin emblem, on orangey-red band across bottom front cover)
drops cat#
third printing 1969

introductory quotation: 'and for to passe the tyme thys book shal be plesaunte to rede in,
but for to gyve fayth and byleve that al is trewe that is conteyned herein, ye be at your lyberté.'
william caxton 31 july 1485

cover art by george adamson (retained from previous puffin/penguin p/bs and first edition h/cvr d-j)
cover price 25p, R0.50 south africa, $0.65 australia, $0.65 new zealand, $0.85 canada
176pp. including 12pp. titles, indicia, table-of-contents (chapters), introductory quotation, 4pp. two b+w maps, about the author (nf note); 8 end pp: 3pp. notes including bibliography, 1p. blank, 4pp. advertising

5th Oct 2023
James Blish - Galactic Cluster

common time (short story) science fiction quarterly vol.2 #4, 8/1953
a work of art (ss) (original) as ''art-work'' science fiction stories vol.7 #1, 7/1956
to pay the piper (ss) if vol.6 #2, 2/1956
nor iron bars (novelette) infinity vol.3 #1, 7/1957, incorporates ''detour to the stars'' (ss) infinity vol.1 #6, 12/1956, with a b+w illustration by ed emshwiller
beep (ntte) galaxy vol.7 #5-A, 2/1954; strato bre #16; both with four b+w illustrations by ed emshwiller
beanstalk (novella) in ''future tense'' ed. kendell foster crossen (1952), q.v.,(original) science fiction stories vol.6 #4, 1/1956, as ''giants in the earth'', with a b+w illustration by (frank) kelly freas

5th Oct 2023
James Blish - Galactic Cluster
faber & faber first printing, first uk and first h/cvr edition
contents differ from the merkin mmpb edition, and those of uk sfbc and p/b editions differ further

reprint collection of three short stories, two novelettes and a novella

cover (d-j) art by john griffiths
cover (d-j) price 15s.
236pp. (check) including titles, indicia, table-of-contents etc, end pp, bound with endpapers between cloth-covered boards

5th Oct 2023
Sax Rohmer - The Moon Is Red
brown, watson digit books p/b, prob'ly first printing, prob'ly first p/b edition

cover art (possibly signed, or squiggle is part of the art), uncredited)
cover price 2'6

5th Oct 2023
Sax Rohmer - The Mystery Of Dr. Fu-Manchu
transworld publishers corgi books p/b first printing, not first uk p/b edition

cover art unsigned, uncredited
cover price 3s. 6d.
192pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising

4th Oct 2023
John Swenson - The John Lennon Story
isbn13 is^W was wrong and should^W has been deleted: the isbn13 had not been invented/defined by c. three decades.

4th Oct 2023
John Swenson - The John Lennon Story
n.b. ''1st january'' day and month of publication year if taken from amazon is not reliable without support from publisher's promotional material, laid-in review copy slip, dated reviews from newspapers & magazines around the date of a book's first publication, and similar;

amazon inputs these merely to fill the day & month fields with something. . .

4th Oct 2023
Lin Carter - Beyond The Gates Of Dream
isbn checksum digit recalculated (advisable for nordon publications for a period) and is correct.

4th Oct 2023
Steve Vance - Planet Of The Gawfs
isbn checksum digit recalculated (advisable for nordon publications for a period), and is correct.

4th Oct 2023
Lin Carter - Beyond The Gates Of Dream
nordon industries leisure books mmpb undated° second printing with new cat#, isbn incorporating this,
inflation fighter series†, science fiction #2

† - = poorly-printed text, and with no cover art

cover art typographical, black and spot green (and one yellow star price flash) on the white card
cover price $1.50
160pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising°

° - bears only © mcmlxix copyright date; publication date entered taken from locus #257, 6/1982

4th Oct 2023
Lin Carter - Beyond The Gates Of Dream
nordon industries leisure books mmpb undated° first printing, using the typesetting of the previous mmpbs by belmont and belmont tower, suitably emended

cover art (signed somewhat blurrily†, and as-yet undeciphered, sfaik, uncredited)
cover price $1.50
160pp. including titles, indicia (ha!) etc, end pp. advertising

° - year of publication entered obtained by interpolation of cat# between cat#s of known publication date, and checked by comparison of cover prices of leisure books of this extent

† - maybe indicates that the cover art was re-used from a previous belmont or belmont tower mmpb or was bought in from another publisher - quite possibly from a uk publisher

4th Oct 2023
Lin Carter - Beyond The Gates Of Dream

a sort of introduction, called here, and back again (nf) lin carter
masters of the metropolis (short story) lin carter, randall garrett (inside (fanzine, ron smith) 1/1956); (f&sf vol.12 #4, 4/1957)
owlstone (ss) lin carter (1969°)
keru (ss) lin carter (1969°)
the hand of nergal (novelette) robert e. howard, lin carter (in ''conan'' robert e. howard (1967), q.v.)
harvey hodges, veebelfetzer (ntte) lin carter (1969°)
uncollected works (ss) lin carter (f&sf vol.28 #3, 3/1965)
the mantichore: from a work in progress (ss) lin carter (1969°) (apparently chh. 4-7 - but of what?)
a few last words (nf afterword) lin carter

° - these seem to be original to this collection

4th Oct 2023
Lin Carter - Beyond The Gates Of Dream
belmont tower mmpb simultaneous first printings, using belmont books typesetting, second mmpb over-all

cover art unsigned, uncredited
cover price 95¢
160pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising

refer to indicia publishing history to see if carcass of copy held was canadadian- or merkin- printed
no priority established nor liable to be, both state a belmont/tower book---november 1972

4th Oct 2023
Marc Olden - Poe Must Die
charter communications, inc. charter books imprint mmpb undated first printing, first merkin edition°

cover art unsigned
cover price $2.25
472pp. (check) including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising

° - gives only the 1978 copyright date, and i've not been able to find a reliable source for the actual year of publication, let alone the month.

4th Oct 2023
Marc Olden - Poe Must Die
hamlyn publishing group hamlyn paperbacks first printing, first uk edition°

cover art
cover price £1.00
320pp. (check) including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising

° - i don't think this was the novel's first publication, but i've not been able to find a reliable date for the charter communications, inc. charter mmpb first printing (it only gives the 1978 copyright date), and hamlyn paperbacks' editorial director, peter lavery was an excellent commercial fiction editor specialising in horror; so it could be...

3rd Oct 2023
Philip K. Dick - The Man In The High Castle
berkley publishing group berkley medallion imprint simultaneous mmpb first printings probably sharing merkin-printed covers, not first mmpb edition

cover art by richard powers (signed powers laz/org, uncredited)
cover price $1.25
256pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp.. advertising

refer to indicia publishing history to see if carcass of copy held was canadadian- or merkin- printed
no priority established nor liable to be, both state berkley medallion edition, april, 1974

refer to indicia publishing history to distinguish from near-identical undated second printing,
which states its ordinality

3rd Oct 2023
Philip K. Dick - The Man In The High Castle
date is^W was wrong and should^W has been corrected to 1976:

the third printing was in 1975, the fourth in 1976, the fifth in 1977; all share the third printing's cat# D(/0)3080, cover price $1.50, 256pp. including titles, indicia, end pp.;

the third printing possibly does not have the (9-digit) sbn in the indicia - but prob'ly does;

the D cat# prefix indicating the cover price is dropped with/after the fourth, the full isbn appearing on the cover incorporating the numerical part of the previous cat#, in its place

the sixth printing in 1978 has a new cat#, (0)3908, isbn 0-425-03908--0, cover price $1.75

3rd Oct 2023
Philip K. Dick - Three Early Novels
orion publishing group millennium books victor gollancz imprint b-format p/b first printing, first thus

omnibus of ''the man who japed'' (1956), ''dr. futurity'' (1960), ''vulcan's hammer'' (1960), q.v.

cover art unsigned, uncredited; seen suggested almost certainly by chris moore (no reason given)
cover price £7.99, $12.95 canada
436pp. (? 424pp? check) including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising

month of publication not given; taken from locus

the 2006 near-identical second printing differs:
hachette livre uk orion publishing group gollancz imprint b-format p/b
isbn 978-1-85798-912-0
cover price £7.99, $12.99 canada

3rd Oct 2023
Philip K. Dick - Vulcan's Hammer
collected in the omnibus, ''three early novels'' philip k. dick (2000 & ff.), q.v.

3rd Oct 2023
Philip K. Dick - Vulcan's Hammer
expansion (?by how much?) of ''vulcan's hammer'' (novella) future science fiction #29, 4/1956
the cover story, art and one b+w interior illustration by frank kelly freas

this first version was published in the reprint collection, ''6 - and the silent scream'' ed. ivan howard (1963), q.v.

3rd Oct 2023
Philip K. Dick - Vulcan's Hammer
hutchinson group arrow books first printing, first uk edition

cover art by peter elson (unsigned, uncredited; attribution from its inclusion in ''flights of Icarus'' martyn dean, roger dean (1977), q.v.)
cover price 50p, 55c malta, $1.50 australia, $1.35 new zealand, $1.95 canada
160pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising

near-identical 1981 arrow books p/b second printing on same isbn, which differs:
cover price £1.25 (no other territories' prices)
indicia publishing history adds line:
reprinted 1981

3rd Oct 2023
Philip K. Dick - Vulcan's Hammer
(charter communications, inc? check) ace books mmpb undated° second printing, first solo printing

cover art (unsigned, uncredited; attributed to (frank) kelly freas in ace image library, which shows a full-colour preliminary that is signed kelly freas)
cover price 75¢
160pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising

° - save for 1960 copyright date; entered date from stuart wells

3rd Oct 2023
Philip K. Dick - Time Out Of Joint
penguin group roc imprint p/b first printing, not first uk p/b edition, re-uses penguin's earlier typesetting

cover art by chris moore
cover price £4.99
192pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising

month of publication not given; taken from locus

3rd Oct 2023
Philip K. Dick - Time Out Of Joint
penguin books b-format p/b edition first printing, not first penguin p/b edition

cover art by tom stimpson (unsigned, credited on back cover, re-used from previous a-format printing)
cover price £3.95, $12.95 australia, $14.99 new zealand
192pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising

3rd Oct 2023
Philip K. Dick - Time Out Of Joint
penguin books p/b third printing, retaining isbn from previous printing, with new

cover art by tom stimpson (unsigned, credited on back cover)
cover price £1.95, $5.95 australia, $7.95 new zealand
192pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising

3rd Oct 2023
Philip K. Dick - Time Out Of Joint
dell publishing dell mmpb first printing, not first mmpb edition

cover art by bob fowke (unsigned, uncredited; attribution by/confirmed by his wife, is on his website)
cover price $2.25
256pp. (check) including titles, indicia etc, end p. advertising

may also exist in a canadian-carcassed variant; refer to indicia publishing history to check if you are holding such a copy. please post here on bookcat if you do, giving the firm of words used to state this.

3rd Oct 2023
Philip K. Dick - Time Out Of Joint
belmont tower mmpb first printing, second printing of belmont mmpb typesetting, with new cat#, new

cover art by doug beekman (signed beekman, uncredited)
cover price $1.25
176pp. (check) including titles, indicia etc, end p. advertising

undated aside of 1959 copyright date; publication date taken from locus #203, 8/1977

3rd Oct 2023
Philip K. Dick - Time Out Of Joint
penguin books first printing, first uk p/b edition

cover art by franco grignani (unsigned, credited on back cover)
cover price 25p 5/-, R0.60 south africa, 85c australia, 75c new zealand
192pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising

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