Comment by DeweyGill SUBS:
@ edlongus: I have had to eliminate many songs from my playlists as the years have gone by. Any song from the 20’s that uses the term “darkies” of which there are many, like “Mississippi Mud” . People used to take in consideration that these terms were not considered derogatory when the records were made. Other titles are more obvious- “Get Cannibal” -Joe Haymes (mx 73032-1), Tommy Dorsey- If The Man In The Moon Were A Coon” (what were they thinking there? It was 1940 already), Clarence Williams “You’re Bound To Look Like A Monkey When You Get Old” . These do illustrate how far we’ve developed as a society, and I’ve never thought such history should be erased as it serves as a reminder of our cultural development. Even as recent as the 1960’s, we had songs like “Dumb Head” by Ginny Arnell, Jack Jones’ “Wives And Lovers”and plenty of teeners and country records that put women in a subservient role. Others from the ‘50’s like Jimmy McCracklin’s “Get Tough” and Sugarboy Crawford’s ”Watch Her Whip Her” seemed to promote spousal abuse.
Comment by edlongus SUBS ●:
I'm sorry DeweyGill that someone ruined the fun 4 the rest of us. I personally hate 'political correctness'!! I learned of this record 40+ years ago from the Dr. Demento Show, and I have 2 78 RPM copies. Now, I understand when
some records just have 2 disappear ("Indian Giver" by the 1910 Fruitgum Co. and "The Homecoming Queen's Got A Gun" by Julie Brown come 2
my mind), but "Slap 'er Down, Agin, Paw" is just plain funny, AND I love singing along with this record!!
...Getting off my soapbox again... ☺