Comment by han enderman:
Electrola Albums - I think Electrola made a selection from the UK HMV Album series. These selected Albums got their own numerical series and were released with German covers and (I assume) German inside text.
In the past I have saved a few Electrola covers, 5 of them including DB issues and one with EJ records by Wagner, but usually sellers omit album numbers. But of one album I have noted the number: Electrola Album 31 containing DB-1328-31 (Beethoven, Kreutzer-Sonate ("in A-dur") Op. 47, by "Jacques Thibaud und Alfred Cortot", which was released as HMV Album 86 (probably in 1930). On HMV the album was also released for automats, with DB-7013-16.
Comment by scrough:
But this set was issued as Album 294 by HMV in Dec 1937.