The label with "Copyright Control" on the A side must be earlier than the one with the Lawrence Wright symbol. "Copyright Control" is only used when the publisher for a song was not (yet) known.
Jago, you uploaded the A side with the DT sticker as well. To me, it looks exactly like {image 1345222}, the first A side you uploaded, except for the tax stamp. Do we need it? All it shows is that this particular record still hadn't sold by the time the DT tax came around (in force 15 Apr. 1942 – 13 Apr. 1943).
Added the accompanying A-side image for my L/T example on which both sides have the same style of publisher's stamp box, also the words Fabrique en Angleterre.
Note to moderator: It is difficult to know which of the two examples are the older ones, because none of the images have any Tax codes actually in the shellac which suggests that both pre-date 1940.
Added an example of 02003 with LT purchase tax stamp (sold some time between April 1946 and November 1947). Please note that there is a difference of music publishers' royalty stamps now shown.