Discovered Jazz and Swing in middle school and have been a fan ever since. Collecting 78s, which I started in highschool, has helped me expand my musical horizon. One of my areas of interest is now also the "ethnic" or foreign-language music on shellac that Columbia, Victor, and many other labels produced for immigrants to the United States between the 1910s and 1950s.
Yes, May 1920 was a typo for May 1921. Thanks for noticing that there was something off here!
Unfortunately, it took almost 3 years to fix it. If you make Correction requests with the blue Make Correction link below in the future, it may not take that long again. Comments are not visible on page 1 after a day or two; the correction requests stay in the Corrections queue until they have been taken care of.
If you look below the X on image 3070789, you see that there is another T. The tax code used to be DT, with the D placed above the T. This first DT tax code was in effect between April 15, 1942 and April 13, 1943. Then the D was crossed out with an X, and another T added to the right side of the spindle hole. The TT tax code was in force April 14, 1943 - April 9, 1946.
The copy with DT tax code that has so far been uploaded shows licensing text around the entire label margin, which was introduced in January 1949. That indicates that this is a repress with the second DT tax code, in force April 9, 1948 - December 29, 1950.
I have now moved up Sigurbjorn's older pressing, as vinylkid100 suggested (thanks!).