Only thing is, Bert-Co, on {Images #2414562 & 2414564}, used 12 (for song titles), 10 (for cat. # and artist) and 8 point (for matrix numbers) Linotype Spartan Medium - their derivative of the Futura family:
For that reason, today only Spartan Classified is available in computerized form. You might want to look over Futura Medium for a comparison.
(The other fonts were part of the same magazine - 6 point No. 11B for "For best results..." at left, and 6 point Gothic Condensed No. 4B for songwriting and "featuring Redd Stewart.")
Indianapolis, by contrast, used Monotype fonts in those days. Mostly differing sizes of News Gothic Condensed, except cat. # set in 10 point 20th Century Medium (another Futura knockoff, albeit one still offered in computerized form by Monotype).
We keep the promos for RCA Victor separate with the designations on the labels as they are. I'm not certain why we do, but we do. I have linked the promo to the stock release, however. [Mod.]
Hollywood pressing added. The Indianapolis pressing features both matte black paper, which was introduced in 1952, on the A side and the earlier glossy black paper on the B side.