I wonder whether your copy, Bob, with the ④ in the runout, is a pressing by Decca's elusive Chicago plant.
The company planned to open both a Chicago and a Los Angeles plant in late 1945, cf. Billboard, Sept. 22, 1945, page 85; the Los Angeles plant seems to have used a 5 in a circle ⑤ in its runouts.
The opening of the Los Angeles plant seem to have been delayed till ca. 1946 per Billboard Mar. 30, 1946, page 25: "purchased in 1944 and now in production" (it was closed down on February 13, 1954); cf. http://www.friktech.com/labels/DeccaLabelography.pdf.
There is basically no info on the Chicago plant available, but the ④ in your runout shows that there clearly was another, fourth plant around in 1947. The question is, which one.
Other plants around in 1947 were in
New York, NY,
Bridgeport, CT,
Richmond, IN (used a ③).
You're right, dang! I missed that. A side label variant uploaded as requested.
A side run-out stamped in vinyl "W74021T1A" (Image # 1856074).
B side run-out stamped in vinyl "W74022T6A" (image # 1855604).
These is also a "4" with a circle around it stamped into the run-out on both sides.
The "With" in "Vocal / With Orchestra" and the "And" in "Vic Schoen And His Orchestra" are also capitalized on your B side label, but not on mine, and the hyphen between the composer names is a long – on my label, a short - on yours.
Could you please upload your A side too?
You'll probably notice that the composer credits on your A side are set in a sans-serif typeface, whereas my label has them in a serif typeface.
Cf. your version on Discogs: Bob's version