Bob, for more info on these special issues for coin operators, see fixbutte's comment on RCA Victor 44-0003 and the attached Billboard ad:
This was probably the only example of the Coin Operators International Series. Glahe's version of Vejvoda's "Beer Barrel Polka" was such a phenomenal hit, however, that Victor released several versions of it. The original release was Victor V-710 (1939).
RCA Victor Special - "Coin Operators International series". The "Coin Operators" and the "Coin Operators International Series" were made for coin operated machines for establishments that played the same recordings over and over. Both sides of the record are the same recording. This is the first one that I have ran into.There is no "A" or "B" side designation because they are the same recording. I could not find out any more information about this series.