It sounds pretty good. The Doris/Les Brown CD sets are out of print now, they ought to issue a new one and include this take. Of course they used alternate takes for Sinatra where the metal masters were damaged.
I wonder if it could be on this ASV set? It's derived from 78rpm discs, I believe, so you'd think it would be the correct take. No audio samples online though. Sentimental Journey
mister_tmg, you're welcome. That may have been my video of the record that you saw at YT, before they yanked my channel. I've only been able to find the other take on CD. My thought is that Sony can locate neither the metal parts for this record nor a copy of the disc in excellent condition, otherwise they would surely have issued it by now. So I restored my record for posterity.
I remember a video of that record being on YouTube a few years ago. Then I couldn't find it, so wasn't sure I'd imagined this original take. Pity it wasn't on the Doris Day/Les Brown CD. I wonder if it ever has been on CD. Probably not. Interesting, thank you.
The take from a Les Brown CD compilation in the YouTube video is not the same take as on the record. They diverge at 44 seconds in with the sax solo. Hear the original take here.