Because this record was so popular, we do have both an East Coast and a West Coast pressing here.
W.B.lbl told me, "I'd venture {Images #1248467 & 1248468} would be West Coast; most of the fonts are from the Bodoni family, except the cat. # which appears to be Stymie Medium. {Images #437351 & 437352} looks like typical East Coast with fonts from the Cheltenham family. I know Brunswick at the time had a New York plant at 619 West 54th Street that would later, at differing times, be home to Decca's first pressing plant and the Mastercraft plating firm. Can't say for sure which was their West Coast plant, though."
I wonder if they still used the same plant they opened in 1924 at 2481 Porter Street in Los Angeles, CA (The Talking Machine World, March 1924, page 94).
Propelled by the success of the Technicolor film "Gold Diggers of Broadway" (released August 30, 1929), this record was one of the first to sell more than 2,000,000 copies.