{Images #3177185 & 3177188} is a boot'. Definitely. Besides using 45 RPM cat. # prefix, the fonts are modern computerized typesetting (though Helvetica was first created in 1957, it was not widely used in the U.S. until the early 1960's).
{Images #2907227 & 2907228}, despite an R being in the deadwax, is most likely an RCA Hollywood pressing; the label fonts here are Bert-Co.
Everyday/Peggy Sue was pressed at both the main Decca plants, Gloversville, NY, and Richmond, IN. This is not the only Coral single credited to Buddy Holly pressed on shellac. I'm Gonna Love You Too/Listen To Me has also been confirmed to exist, which was released later than Everyday/Peggy Sue. This is even less common than Everday/Peggy Sue. https://www.discogs.com/release/4047917-Buddy-Holly-Im-Gonna-Love-You-Too-Listen-To-Me-