You can add Rust's Jazz Records (6th Ed.) p.777 as a source for Side A. Where the Online Discographical Project lists only take 3 for this issue (possibly correct), JR6 lists takes 2-3-4, but also lists many different issues that they could have been used on. Perhaps more to the point, JR6 also attributes this arrangement to Don Redman.
For side B, you can add Rust's American Dance Band Discography p. 1572 as a source. it identifies this particular airing of the Missouri Jazz Band as Joseph Samuels Orchestra. I note that this track didn't make the cut into JR6, although once upon a time the title alone might have gotten it in.
I really enjoyed listening to Alabamy Bound. Thanks, xiphophilos, for posting it.
Fletcher Henderson (dir,arr,p); Elmer Chambers, Howard Scott, Louis Armstrong (tp); Charly Green (tb); Buster Baily, Don Redmann (cl,as); Coleman Hawkins (ts,cl,c-mel); Charlie Dixon (bj); Ralph Escuderos (tu); Kaiser Marshall (dm);
New York City, January 30, 1925 (Source).
Year removed, as the copyright date on the labels appears to be that of the label design rather than the release itself. This Regal was an imprint of Plaza Music Company and existed from 1921-31.