Co A-2443 - Label images added of: 1) orig. edition KZ; 2) next ed. LZ (from archive); 3) last ed. AY (to replace the less readable images). Type LZ can be added to the notes. The B-side print was clearly reset each time, with the LZ title on 2 lines, and the AY layout slightly different from KZ.
The bo'sn blew and a Yankee crew had stopped to hear him say,
"My lads, get underway, we're leaving port today, Hooray!
We're going to meet the German fleet and blow them inside out,"
Each sailor boy was filled with joy and all began to shout,
||:"We're on our way to Heligoland to get the Kaiser's goat,
in a good old Yankee boat, up the Kiel canal we'll float.
I'm a son-of-a-gun, if I see a Hun, I'll make him understand
we'll knock the Heligo into Heligo out of Heligoland. Yip!":||
The anchor's hauled as the captain called, the crew are standing by,
Each man to do or die, when shells begin to fly, Good-bye!
"We're going to go and let them know we hit with all our might,
I'd like to bet when we have met they'll know they had a fight."
||:"We're on our way to Heligoland to get the Kaiser's goat,
in a good old Yankee boat, up the Kiel canal we'll float.
I'm a son-of-a-gun, if I see a Hun, I'll make him understand
we'll knock the Heligo into Heligo out of Heligoland. Yip!":||
As the A-side is a vocal performance, it would have been appropriate for the label to list both the composer and the lyricist. As can be seen from the illustrated sheet music cover, the lyrics were by John O'Brien.