Co A-3726 - xiphophilos, good you checked the take! Most likely from a later recording session.
Co A-3703 is the last release of the previous label type, without New York and with Exclusive Artist within the golden band. A-3704 is classical with banner label. A-3705 by Al Jolson has New York added, and Exclusive Artist below the golden band. So these 2 features go together. A-3706 has Exclusive Frank Westphal and A-3713 Leona Williams. A-3696 Leona Williams exists with both label types.
The original release must be one of the earliest that list "Exclusive Artist" below the golden band and add "New York" added to the company name at the bottom. These were used from ca. November 1922 to November 1923; see also M. Sherman & K. Nauck, "Note the Notes," page 29.
The B side of the deep-grove pressing ring version reads 4-4 in the runout, so this must be a take 4 (and stamper 4) that hasn't been included in DAHR.
Co A-3726 - I have added the reverse of the large deep-groove ring variant. Plus labels without a visible pressing ring. On the first labels uploaded here (by alan), there is only a tiny pressing ring on the B-side.
Han, your image happens to be a new variant, a ca. 1923 label with a large, deep-groove outer pressing ring.
Mike's copy is a ca. February 1923 repress that shows two different versions of the Flag label. The A side features a Flag label with black patent text (used Dec. 1923-Jan. 1924), the B side a Flag label with white patent text without Inc. after the company name (used February 1924 - February 1925).
Source: M. Sherman & K. Nauck, "Note the Notes: An Illustrated History of the Columbia Record Label 1901-1958," page 30.