Jock_Girl, KeithS,
If you look at the picture sleeve that came with this record you will see that it designates CCS #1Cadence Children's Series in the upper left hand corner.
Just wondering? Do Picture Sleeves gain the top position on 45worlds as they do on 45cat? Thanks redpunk...
I think the question is linked to the 45 versions where the label is designated "Cadence Children's Series" even though nothing is marked so on them.
Only the CCS catalogue number identifies the separate series.
@Not sure why there is a "Cadence Children's Series" on 45cat, and NO "Cadence Children's Series" on 45worlds 78s?
Basically because the label does not say "Cadence Children's Series"
Added picture sleeve scan for Cadence Children's SeriesCCS-1. There are at least two other Cadence Children's Series #2 - 1955, #3 - 1956) that may have been released on 78s. Not sure why there is a "Cadence Children's Series" on 45cat, and NO "Cadence Children's Series" on 45worlds78s?