It is strange, but, as far as I remember, not completely unprecedented that Billboard announces an album like Continental album 32 here, and then the content of this reissue compilation looks different when it actually appears. In the announcement, the records are supposed to be Continental C 5067-5069 by the Sotero San Miguel Orchestra.
It would, of course, be possible that all 3 original records broke and were replaced by these three. What makes me doubt this is that the album and records look almost pristine, not in any way banged up, and the title on both cover and spine is sufficiently generic ("Mexican Melodies", no orchestra name) that the company was indeed able to change its mind last minute and reissue C-5040-5042 instead of C 5067-5069.
The records included in my album are, in any case, slightly different from the separately released C-5040-5042. The title of C 5040, for example, is "Caminito (The Little Trail)", rather than "The Little Trail (Caminito)" on the original October 1945 release here.