A side (mx. L 3364, take A) recorded Los Angeles, CA, March 23, 1944.
B side (mx. L 3366, take A) recorded Los Angeles, CA, March 24, 1944.
Billboard, January 20, 1945, pages 20 & 61: Popular Record Releases (from January 18 thru January 25)
Billboard, February 17, 1945, page 20: Most Played Juke Box Folk Records, #6
I would think that a two-week window would be more accurate as far as the labels getting printed and the record getting pressed. I can fix the dates on these Decca, Decca-Champion, and Decca-Montgomery Ward releases but it's going to take some time.
Cary Ginell's Decca Hillbilly discography, p. 311 gives the "release date" for this record as 12/19/1944. The problem with this and Ginell's other release dates is that they are not what we would conventionally call a release date. As Ginell explains on page 305: "In the Decca label copy books, one piece of information included on each page was a date. This date referred to that time when the information on that label was printed. In comparing this date with Decca advertisements showing new releases, it can be determined that the records were released within a month after the date shown on the label copy pages."
So Ginell's dates really are label printing dates, not what we'd call release dates. Ginell seems right, though, in that we have to add about a month to get an approximate release date. At least that's what the listing of this record in Billboard seems to indicate:
Billboard, January 20, 1945, pages 20 & 61: Popular Record Releases (from January 18 thru January 25). So I have replaced the release date Dec. 19, 1944 with Jan. 1945.
Jan. 18 and Jan. 25, 1945 both were Thursdays, by the way. Do we know the day of the week when Decca would release its records?