mister_tmg 15th Oct 2023
| | The Jerry Vale song wasn’t released until 1972, and has different writers! https://www.45cat.com/record/310042 |
Stuart Ralls2 15th Oct 2023
| | If i could write a song was originally recorded by U S singer Jerry Vale. As far as I know it wasn't a hit. Embassy often went off the beaten track early days with music selection on sometimes coupling American hits with a British Hit or even selecting music that had not charted anywhere Greensleeves/Noel Gay medley being an example. After introduction of LPs and EPs in 1958 the Embassy singles tended to follow the British chart music more with two more well known hits on esch disc. Most of the 50s releases were never meant to be copycat versions as most people thought but affordable alternate offerings. |
jimmysaville53 15th Aug 2023
| | Thanks mister_tmg for this info. I guess this confirms that Embassy releases were not 100% exclusively cover versions of UK releases after all. |
mister_tmg 14th Aug 2023
| | Ah, another Billy Merrin composition published by Dave Toff. The British Library have the sheet music for this one with the date 1954. So it appears to be the correct title. The BL don't have any other recordings of the title, but they don't have everything issued by any means. However, I suspect that these Billy Merrin numbers were not recorded by anyone else other than the Embassy artists. Perhaps it was a similar scenario to the earlier Woolworths label, Crown, which I recall used a popular song on one side and an unknown song on the other, as they had bought a whole batch cheaply from the publisher. |
jimmysaville53 14th Aug 2023
| | Does anyone know who recorded "If I Could Write A Song" apart from Larry Cross? Was that the correct title? There is no reference anywhere on the internet of a song with that title that was released in the UK in 1954 or earlier. |
jimmysaville53 13th Aug 2023
| | Please could anyone who owns this disc upload mp3's or YouTube videos of both tracks onto this site. Neither of them are currently available anywhere on the internet at present. Thanks. |
KeithS SUBS 21st May 2015
| | "Three coins in the fountain" must have been with a matrix number X5000 |
kilofoxtrot 19th May 2015
| | Is this the first song recorded on the Embassy label? |