Comment by ppint.:
contents: all four demu series stories:
#1: "
cage a man" (1973),
"the learnings of eeshta" (short story,
if vol.22 #1, 10/1973,
if tandem bre No.9
(prefaced by nf author's note to this short story)
#2: "
the proud enemy" (1975),
#3: "
end of the line" (1980), (original to this omnibus)
Comment by ppint.:
simon & schuster pocket books mmpb simultaneous first printings, first omnibus edition
first publication of #3
omnibus edition of the demu trilogy plus a demu short story
cover art by vincent difate
cover price $2.50 (canada)
cover price $2.50 (u.s.)
528pp. (check) including 6pp. titles, indicia, table-of-contents, etc, end pp. advertising
refer to indicia publishing history to see if carcass of copy held was canadian-or merkin- printed
no priority established nor liable to be, both state first pocket books printing march 1980 and give full first printing number line