David Whiteley 29th Sep 2023 |  | BookStephen King - Christine (1984) | Added back cover.
David Whiteley 25th Sep 2023 |  | BookW.H. Bett - The Tramways Of The East Midlands (1973) | Added front cover without price stickers which shows the original price 85p.
The publication date must be 1979 at the earliest as there's a reference to Nottingham's Tramways (Tramway Museum Society, 1979) in the Bibliography and Acknowledgements at the end of the book.
David Whiteley 25th Sep 2023 |  | BookJulian Thompson - British Trams In Camera (1978) | Added more images.
First published by Ian Allan in 1978. This edition published in 1992 by Fraser Stewart
David Whiteley 23rd Aug 2023 |  | BookJeffery Deaver - Carte Blanche (2011) | Added signed title page.
I bought a signed first edition today from a charity shop for 75p. They had five copies on their shelves two of them were signed.
David Whiteley 7th Aug 2023 |  | BookIan Fleming - For Your Eyes Only (1962) | Added title, copyright and contents pages from a first paperback edition.
David Whiteley 7th Aug 2023 |  | BookIan Fleming - Casino Royale (1955) | Added some pages from the first paper back edition of the first James Bond novel.
David Whiteley 4th Apr 2023 |  | BookStephen Baxter - The Long Cosmos (2016) | Added images.
David Whiteley 4th Apr 2023 |  | BookStephen Baxter - The Long Utopia (2015) | Added images.
David Whiteley 4th Apr 2023 |  | BookStephen Baxter - The Long Mars (2014) | Added images.
David Whiteley 4th Apr 2023 |  | BookStephen Baxter - The Long War (2013) | Added images.
David Whiteley 13th Mar 2023 |  | BookStephen King - Fairy Tale (2022) | There is no authors name or title on the book cover. The gold lettering on the spine reads "When he spoke. it was again hard to believe I hadn't stepped into a storybook and become one of the characters. 'Hello young prince I've been expecting you'.".
David Whiteley 19th Feb 2023 |  | BookPhilip Pullman - La Belle Sauvage (2017) | There is no authors name or title on the book cover. The gold lettering on the spine reads: 'Ah, it's a proper canoe,' said Lord Asriel, as if he'd been expecting a toy. Malcolm felt a little affronted on behalf of La Belle Savage, and said nothing as he turned her over and let her slip quietly down the grass and on to the water.
David Whiteley 27th Jan 2023 |  | BookP. R. Reid - The Colditz Story (1956) | Added front cover, back cover and contents page from a 1954 third print.
First published 1952 in hardback by Hodder & Stoughton.
First paperback 1954 by Pan.
Reprinted twice more in 1954.
David Whiteley 23rd Jan 2023 |  | BookDouglas Adams - The Salmon Of Doubt (2002) | There isn't enough room in Book notes for the full contents so I've put them here.
"Letter" (Eagle and Boys' World comic, January 23, 1965) [The first known published work of Douglas Adams].
"The Voices of All Our Yesterdays", The [London] Sunday Times. June 17 1992.
"Brentwood School".
"Y", "Hockney's Alphabet" (1991).
"The Meaning of Liff", from "Pan Promotional News" October 1983.
"My Nose", Esquire Summer 1991.
"The Book That Changed Me".
"Maggie and Trudie", "Animal Passions". September 1994.
"The Rules", The Indipendent on Sunday January 2000.
"Introductory Remarks, Procol Harum at the Barbican", from the Procol Harum and London Symphony Orchestra concert , February 9 1996.
"Hangover Cures", The Indipendent on Sunday December 1999.
"My Favourite Tipples", The Indipendent on Sunday December 1990.
"Radio Scripts Intro", Introduction to The Original Hitchhiker Scripts (1995)
"Unfinished Business of the Century", The Indipendent on Sunday November 1999.
"The Dream Team", The Observer March 10 1995.
"Intro for Comic books #1". "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (collected edition). (1997).
"Interview with Virgin.net", interview by Claire Smith. September 22 1999.
"Riding the Rays", (1992).
"Sunset at Blandings", Introduction to "Sunset at Blandings". (2000).
"Tea", (1999).
"The Rhino Climb" Esquire March 1995.
"For Children Only".
"Brandenburg 5", "Penguin Classics2 (1999).
"Frank the Vandal", Mac User (1989).
"Build It and We Will Come", The Indipendent on Sunday November 1999.
"Interview, American Atheists", American Atheists 37, No 1. Interview by Keith Phipps. (2001).
"Predicting the Future", The Indipendent on Sunday November 1999.
"The Little Computer that Could".
"Little Dongly Things", Mac User September 1996.
"What Have We Got to Lose?", Wired No 1 (1995).
"Time Travel".
"Turncoat". (2000).
"Is There an Artificial God?". Speech given at Digital Biota 2,Camdridge. September 1998.
"Cookies". Speech to Embedded Systems. (2000).
"Interview with the Onion A. V. Club". Interview by Keith Phipps. (1998)
"Letter to David Vogel, Walt Disney Pictures, 14 April 1999".
"The Private Life of Genghis Khan", short story. "The Utterly Utterly Merry Comic Relief Christmas Book" (1986).
"Young Zaphod Plays It Safe", short story. "The Utterly Utterly Merry Comic Relief Christmas Book" (1986).
"Excerpts from an Interview Conducted by Matt Newsome".
"Fax to Sue Freestone, re The Salmon of Doubt description".
"The Salmon of Doubt", novella. [Assembled from Douglas Adams's work-in-progress novel].
Excerpts from an Interview with the Daily Nexus, April 5 2000".
"Epilogue", by Richard Dawkins. The Guardian May 14 2001.
"Douglas Noel Adams 1952-2001: The Order of Service for His Memorial".
"Editor's Acknowledgements".
David Whiteley 21st Jan 2023 |  | BookRoland Hall - The Beatles: Illustrated Lyrics 1963-1970 (2020) | I bought a copy of this book today from The Works book shop for £3.50.
David Whiteley 7th Jan 2023 |  | BookPhilip José Farmer - Tongues Of The Moon (1978) | Added back cover and, with acknowledgement to nanocyar, a better front cover.
David Whiteley 2nd Jan 2023 |  | BookTerry Pratchett - I Shall Wear Midnight (2010) | Added "Free limited edition print" and front cover with sticker.
David Whiteley 2nd Jan 2023 |  | BookTerry Pratchett - The Shepherd's Crown (2015) | Added cover images.
David Whiteley 2nd Jan 2023 |  | BookTerry Pratchett - Night Watch (2002) | Added Forbidden Planet flyer.
David Whiteley 2nd Jan 2023 |  | BookTerry Pratchett - The Truth (2000) | Added Forbidden Planet flyer.
David Whiteley 2nd Jan 2023 |  | BookTerry Pratchett - Thief Of Time (2001) | Added Ottakar's reservation leaflet, giving a publication date 1st May 2001.
David Whiteley 31st Dec 2022 |  | BookJohn Carnell - New Writings In SF-11 (1967) | Added covers and contents page.
Month from final ad p. footer
David Whiteley 28th Dec 2022 |  | BookJohn Carnell - New Writings In SF10 (1967) | Added covers and contents page.
Month from final ad p. footer.
David Whiteley 28th Dec 2022 |  | BookJohn Carnell - New Writings In SF9 (1967) | Added covers and contents page
David Whiteley 24th Dec 2022 |  | BookJohn Carnell - New Writings In SF8 (1966) | Added covers and contents page
David Whiteley 22nd Dec 2022 |  | BookJohn Carnell - New Writings In SF-6 (1971) | Added covers and contents page
David Whiteley 19th Dec 2022 |  | BookJohn Carnell - New Writings In SF:6 (1966) | Added covers and contents page
David Whiteley 18th Dec 2022 |  | BookJohn Carnell - New Writings In SF/1 (1970) | Added covers and contents page.
There isn't a leading "0" in the catalog No. It should be 552084115.
David Whiteley 17th Dec 2022 |  | BookJohn Carnell - New Writings In SF1 (1964) | Added covers and contents page.
David Whiteley 13th Dec 2022 |  | BookJ. K. Rowling - Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince (2005) | Added Ottakar's carrier bag advertising this book at a pre-order price of £10.99. Cover price is £16.99. It also shows a publication date 16th July.