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23rd Apr 2021
Terry Pratchett - The Colour Of Magic (1995)
Rated 9/10
n.b. though the printing of the text is clear, the carcass is neither sewn nor glued onto a strong, flexible backing strip of any variety and consequently the full strain of opening the book is borne by the thin paper endpapers, unreinforced by any material hinge. which endpapers tear extremely easily under perfectly ordinarily careful and considerate usage. this is true of all the ''compact discworld'' editions.

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10th Apr 2021
Hunter Davies - Here We Go, Round The Mulberry Bush (1968)
very dated now; but the soundtrack lp, q.v. of the film (script by hunter davis, additional dialogue by larry kramer) features music by the spencer davis group - and three tracks by traffic, plus one by andy ellison.

the novel is set in carlisle, rather than the home counties new town of the film - but stevenage wasn't exactly swinging in the mid-sixties either - and is about one teenage school-boy's attempts to get laid in an era when ''good girls didn't'' - and you had to be married, to get ''the (still very new) pill''; and buying a packet of condoms could turn a lad's ears a glowing bright pink. . .

the trail of his - more-or-less uniformly - unsuccessful attempts to lose his virginity, without ever confessing to it, as a matter of personal as well as laddish honour amongst his schoolmates, and the sharp distinctions between working-class, middle class and upper middle-class mores, are all well-observed; and the erratically embarrassing, sometimes hurtful and sometimes ludicrous situations his all-consuming sex drive propels him into make for a frequently funny, but pointed read.

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4th Apr 2021
Josephine Tey - Fiica Timpului. Brat Farrar (1994)
"the daughter of time", first published 1951, is a novel of the application of police investigation method into the story of the murder of "the princes in the tower", allegedly by richard III, the last plantagenet king of england, and then into the whole of his life and the circumstances of the decades of internecine strife known as "the war of the roses", by detective inspector grant, who is laid up in a hospital bed with a broken leg and dying of boredom, aided by a young american "pet lamb" of an actress friend of grant's wished onto him by her as much to get him out from under her and the rest of the company's feet, heart- or moon-struck as he is with one of their number.
as they look further and deeper into the case against richard III, probably the best-known "evil uncle" in history, the more worried they become not only by its weaknesses, but by mounting inconsistencies and even sheer idiocies in the story everyone knows, familiar not least from shakespeare. . .

"brat farrar", first published 1949, is a novel based in part upon the tichborne case, a victorian cause célébre in which a man known as thomas castro, by trade a butcher of wagga wagga in new south wales, australia, came to britain claiming to be one roger tichborne, a decade after his presumed death in an 1854 shipwreck, and was accepted as such, and the heir to the family title, estate and fortune by lady tichborne - but by nobody else. especially not the other members of the family.

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17th Mar 2021
Colin Kapp - The Unorthodox Engineers (1980)
in the sciencefictional world of the unorthodox engineers, this unit of engineering oddballs and incorrigibles brought together in what was originally intended only as a dumping ground for ''problem'' but talented men demonstrates, from their first deployment on cannis v, where they have to rebuild the railways, the only practicable passenger, goods and freight transport system on a conquered planet comprehensively wrecked by orbital and low-level bombing in a war now won, in order to get the planet's native economy running again - and the people fed, and able to prosper in peacetime - with access only to insufficient supplies of excessively malleable, and therefore far too bendy, iron in inadequate quantities - on a planet plagued by errant overnight volcanoes...
- demonstrates that together they can achieve the impossible - or the next best thing to the impossible - so long as they can be induced to act together, by being presented with apparently insoluble problems upon which to bring their disparate talents to bear.

- the answers they devise to the questions their missions pose are as various as their sideways approach to the service's rules and regulations - but, so long as they're successful, they won't be disbanded - and, in some cases, returned to military imprisonment...

five linked ''problem story'' novelettes and a novella demanding an eccentric approach to the problems faced, if they are to be solved - or turned into advantages - which vary from rebuilding a conquered planet's infrastructure, and hence economy, through identifying what catastrophe wiped out an evidently advanced alien species' civilisation - and apparently the species themselves, through working out how to even approach an apparently invulnerable alien intrusion - invasion? - on, into or of a planet, that can for example meet any projectile fired at it with a counter-projectile of exactly the right mass, created or conjured up on the spot, and instantly...

colin kapp did not, alas, ever write the unorthodox engineers novel, ''project ixion'', which was to've been the climax to their erratic career through the problems of their space by providing the scientific analyses and engineering problem solutions in the first inter-galactic exploration and colonisation attempt undertaken by humanity - and which would have demanded, and hopefully brought in-depth character development of his major players from him: they are mostly fairly ''stock'' character stereotypes sufficient to these stories.
when i enquired why, in the seventies (i was hoping he'd written it, and i could get it published together with a collection of these five already-published stories, and republish at least three of his previously-published novels), colin told me he'd never started upon it, because no-one had ever shown any interest in publishing it.

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11th Mar 2021
Henry Kuttner - The Proud Robot (1983)
Rated 8/10
meet galloway gallegher, genius inventor and drunk - correction, genius inventor when drunk, who
only ever invents when he's run out of enough money to get drunk, has sobered up enough to gain another commission, and has been paid an advance upon the invention(s) commissioned from him -
- whereupon he promptly gets drunk again -
- not least because it's gallegher drunk who's the genius inventor. but who is, unavoidably, and undeniably, also drunk.

...which rather tends to leave gallegher sober the morning after with the problem of working out what gallegher drunk's actually invented this time...

- so meet galloway gallegher, genius inventor and drunk, and meet joe, the proud robot, who must have some purpose other than to admire himself in the mirror - or, indeed, without it, if there isn't one handy - mustn't he ?

- and meet the lybblas, some of the cutest, fluffiest - and most argumentative - frequently with one another - alien would-be conquerors of the world, who've had the luck - or possibly misfortune - to arrive at gallegher's door as the first stop on their predestined path to their conquest of the world. . . - but first, would very much like a drink of milk, please. . .

- intriguing, entertaining and frequently funny problem stories with a lunatic logic and a drunken twist..

- or vice-versa...

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6th Mar 2021
Will Eisner - Star Jaws (1978)
Rated 3/10
uninspired gags mostly translations of non-sfnal standards, the b+w cartoons by will eisner drawn to a considerably better standard than the ''material'' deserved - but, even so, not really worth a second read-through, even for his illustrations.

browse if you're an eisner fan, but don't buy unless you're an incurable completist

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6th Mar 2021
Chrétien De Troyes - Cavalerul Lancelot (1973)
the original work is twelfth century c.e. french poetry mostly by chrétien de troyes, left incomplete by him and completed by other hands; he appears to've been the poet and troubadour responsible for recasting british/welsh, breton(?), cornwelsh(?) and medieval church latin stories and legends of ''king arthur" ("artos"(?), "arctos"(?), etc.) in norman armour, as courtly tales - and for introducing the round table, launcelot and some of the other characters of the most popular versions still told and retold by many storytellers and singers, and retold and rewritten - not always very well - by authors over the centuries, through into the twenty-first century c.e.

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26th Feb 2021
Angus Macvicar - The Lost Planet (1953)
it's now too many years since i read these, really, for yr hmbl srppnt. to review them - or the first five of them - but the young me was still in the process of attempting to read almost everything in three children's libraries that fell into ''sf'', ''historical fiction'', ''fantasy'', ''biggles books'', ’'history'', ''world war one & two pilots' biographies & autobiographies'' - plus trying aught else as happened to catch my eye and looked interesting; so yr hmbl srppnt. was still in the middle of learning what ''well written'' was, and only beginning to learn that some authors' books just were all too poorly written, to be worth starting another book by them.

so i don't remember these as being particularly poorly-written, and do remember some of the parts of the stories - mostly plot elements - with at least a little fondness; but i cannot judge them fairly, nor recommend them - nor give a ''warn off!''; but a ten-to-twelve year-old ppint. read the first five - almost all that'd been published at the time - and enjoyed them.

they start off with a space ''race'' to reach the only very occasionally near-earth small planet whose previous near approches have coincided suspiciously often with unusually-extended periods of peace and the flowering of civilisations on earth, and (on the part of the british-based western team, at least) to discover whether there is life upon the wandering planet°, and whether it truly has been influencing us to concentrate upon constructive activities, rather than upon warfare. the rival mission, however, based in one of the countries of the eastern bloc, has less sporting an approach to the race - and seeks to sabotage the uk-us effort...

° - yes, this is technically a redundancy, at least by linguistic derivation

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16th Feb 2021
R. J. Anderson - Ultraviolet (2011)
once upon a time there was a girl who was special.

this is not her story.

unless you count the part where i killed her.

the sixteen year-old central character wakes up - and wakes up to the realisation that she has confessed to murdering the most perfect - and most popular - girl in school.

but she can't explain how, nor what happened - one moment they were fighting -
- and the next moment tori was gone - she'd disintegrated.

and that's not possible - is it?

and there isn't a body - and that's not possible either - is it?

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9th Feb 2021
Josh Kirby - The Josh Kirby Poster Book (1989)
Rated 1/10
very poor reproductions of josh kirby's paintings, blown up far too far from the colour separations done for the corgi p/b covers - fundamentally, they're all fuzzy.

some indication of quite how poor these reproductions are: although yr hmbl srppnt. loves many of his paintings, and have sometimes been known to buy a p/b for his cover art upon it, with no intention of ever reading the contents, i didn't bother to keep a copy of this - and advised customers and browsers considering buying it, to check the printing quality of the pictures before doing so.


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8th Feb 2021
Josh Kirby - A Cosmic Cornucopia (1999)
Rated 10/10
paper tiger very large format (c. a4, c. quarto) softcover first printing, first edition
month of publication not given in indicia: taken from locus

cover art by josh kirby (cover art for ''valentine pontifex'' robert silverberg, pan books uk p/b)
cover price £14.99, canada $36.95, usa $24.95
112pp? (check!) including titles, indicia, foreword by tom holt, brief introductions by d. r. langford etc.

undated near-identical second paper tiger printing differs:
the digit '1' is dropped from the publishing history number line, leaving '2' as the lowest number

full-colour, high-definition reproductions of over 130 of josh kirby's paintings, mostly cover art for uk sf, fantasy & horror p/bs some as early as 1963, some forn, but includes other material including previously-unadopted (no, tablettything, not eukaryotes(!)) variants, and amazing oddities such as arcimboldo heads of terry pratchett, his face decorated with/made up from josh's fantasy creatures tessalated about each other...

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18th Dec 2020
Len Deighton - SS-GB (1980)
sf: an ''alternate history'' novel, though marketed as a ''bestseller category'' novel.
the ''if hitler had won'' subgenre may be as large as that of the more strictly merkin subgenre ''if the south had won''; both groups are certainly larger than that of the ''if the grand / spanish armada had won'' novels.

sfaik the earliest ''if hitler had won'' novel is ''swastika night'' by katharine burdekin (1937), q.v. - originally published as by ''murray constantine''. other rightly famous examples include ''the sound of his horn'' by john w. wall, writing as ''sarban'' (1952), q.v., and ''the man in the high castle'' by philip k. dick (1962), q.v.

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13th Dec 2020
Georges Louis Delmaine - Invitation "Nuit D'amour" (1952)
ye gods! - i knew edwin self books weren't good - but - !!!

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21st Nov 2020
Clarissa Fairchild Cushman - Young Widow (1946)
wartime story of a journalist whose air corps photographer husband was killed flying, returning to new york unable to settle back into work, but unable to settle without her work, either, chatted up by a bomber pilot who's received his new posting to the pacific on the train returning again to new york, finding a shared apartment with other young women who're enjoying the social whirl, being found again by jim, the bomber pilot, and liking him, but not falling in love with him.
when she's witness to his saving the life of an old woman who falls on the subway tracks, she writes it up for her paper, recovers a lot of her former energy, and they start going out on dates together.
then he's ordered to get his cholera vaccination and given details of his imminent his flight out...

so; a novel of a wartime romance, but not a category romance; historically-set, if only just, at the time it was written, but not a category historical romance - which translates more-or-less as ''bodice-ripper'' category, which this decidedly is not; and equally, though set during world war two, definitely not war fiction.

made into a film of the same title starring jane russell and louis hayward, produced by hunt stromberg, directed by edwin l. marin; jane russell's second film, the first to go on general release.

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17th Nov 2020
John Wyndham - Web (1980)
Rated 4/10
#oldmod67 there's nothing wrong with the use of language, nor the style, and it's an adventure story in the cosy catastrophe genre; it reads smoothly; but it's unambitious, nothing is made of the innovation of the spiders beyond their immediate threat and people's fear of spiders, and the protagonists' characters aren't essentially changed by their experiences in escaping from the plague of spiders: - so it's essentially not sf, but an excessively ''englishly'' polite mild horror novel.

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10th Nov 2020
K. W. Jeter - Morlock Night (1989)
in which, inspired by the visit of h. g. wells' time traveller, morlocks journey back in time to his victorian london, to be generally morlocky and obnoxious to uncomprehending victorian englishmen and women in every possible way; and challenging the incursion requires the aid of heroic english stereotypical myths from british (and roman) history...

one of the first wave of ''steampunk'' novels, which term jeter coined to encapsulate such victorian era-set & tech sf written by himself and his friends, james blaylock, q.v., and tim powers, q.v.. (cf. prior coinage of the term, ''cyberpunk''.)

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2nd Nov 2020
Edmund Hillary - High In The Thin Cold Air (1963)
account of an expedition to find, examine, describe and, where both possible and sensible, obtain examples of himalayan, and especially nepali, wildlife up to and possibly including the yeti°,
and to deliver and see erected (and perhaps established) an effectively corrosion-proof aluminium building provided by field enterprises educational corporation to house a school to be run by the nepalese and for the nepalese - education being one of the things very dear to sir edmund's heart, not least for the greatly increased horizons and opportunities it could offer both adults and children of the people of nepal, and which he could help provide.

(° people of and behind the expedition were not necessarily of one mind, to start with, as to whether any examples of the yeti they might come across should, or should not be caged and ''returned'' to ''civilisation''... views depending not least upon whether the yeti was, or was not a self-aware being.)

an entertaining, as well as an educational read - not least, as regarding the in many ways very different world of the middle and late fifties (- of which the early sixties were really a part -) and an antidote to too many englishmen (sir edmund was a new zealander) 's assumption of superiority & imperial privileges.

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9th Oct 2020
Edward Gorey - The Curious Sofa (1999)
pornographic novel, fcvo(b)tw... :-)

''ogdred weary'' being an anagram of ''edward gorey'', as well as one of his pseudonyms, n.b.

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9th Oct 2020
B. F. Skinner - Walden Two (1976)
intended by skinner as a realisation in fiction of the utopia that would result from a society built and run upon the principles of his pet theory of ''operant conditioning'' - the raising of babies, children and young adults ''purely'' by systematically rewarding behaviour desired by their parents & societies' leaders, and by strictly punishing behaviour not desired by them - he succeeded in producing a frightening warning° of the dystopia that would arise in any regimented society so rigorously controlled by such means, and without any humane principles or ''moral philosophy'' underlying, to temper the excesses of the rule of this presumed infallible rod of iron -

° - albeit, completely inadvertently. . .

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4th Oct 2020
Eric Berne - Games People Play (1971)
how people behave towards one another, analysed as a relatively small number of stereotypical ''games'' designed - whether deliberately or not - to manipulate them into doing what each wants the other to do.

one of the classic books explaining ''transactional analysis'' - easy to read - and fun, besides.

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26th Sep 2020
Fiona Richmond - From Here To Virginity (1981)
star books first p/b printing, presumed first edition (© 1981)

cover art unsigned, uncredited photograph
cover price £1.25, malta £1.30, australia $4.50
152pp? including titles, indica etc, end pp. advertising

the science fictional nature seems largely confined to the reversal of the direction of flow of time for the central character, a side effect of an operation to confer eternal youth upon her.
apparently largely autobiographical, elsewise, or at least autobiographically- based or inspired.

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14th Sep 2020
James Blish - Doctor Mirabilis (1964)
faber & faber (though there was only ever the one) h/cvr first printing and first edition

cover (d-j) art (?°) (trigonometric(? -ish) diagram which may've been credited on d-j flap)
cover (d-j) price 25/-
288pp?° including titles, indicia etc, end p., bound with endpapers between covered boards
(° ex-london borough of barnet libraries copy, re-bound by or for them when original binding gave way, before being sold off for pence in 1978-9; hence the uncertainty.)

''after such knowledge'' thematic trilogy #1:
a historical novel of the life of roger bacon; and simultaneously
an sf novel of the birth of scientific enquiry in western europe.

part one of james blish's major thematic trilogy examining the proposition that it is in fact human beings' driving scientific inquisitiveness that is the root of all evil - rather than that for money, or for power.

james blish: sf editor, critic (much as by ''william atheling, jr.'') and author best known for his sf adventure tetralogy, ''cities in flight'' (q.v.);
but ''after such knowledge'' (q.v.) is, i think, the better work, being more deeply thought through, over-all.
he also wrote a series on ''pantropy'', the alternative to terraforming for the human colonisation of space, which includes the novelettes, ''sunken universe'', ''surface tension'', ''the thing in the attic'', the short story, ''watershed'', and the novelette, ''a time to survive''; these collected as ''the seedling stars'' (1957), q.v. (possibly slightly up-fixed).

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8th Sep 2020
John Norman - Rogue Of Gor (1982)
Rated 1/10
don't bother.

(see explicatory comment to #12, should any such be required...)

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2nd Aug 2020
John Carnell - New Writings In SF1 (1964)
first of a major science fiction original anthology series founded by e. j. carnell (aka john carnell, aka ted carnell) to continue publishing the authors and the kinds of sf he'd published as editor of new worlds, science fantasy and science fiction adventures magazines until nova publications was bought by roberts & vinter at the end of 1963, and carnell was replaced by the new owners as editor of these magazines by young enthusiasts such as michael moorcock and friends, on new worlds, and by kyril bonfiglioni on science fantasy.

initially promoted as a quarterly, "new writings in science fiction" only rarely maintained that frequency, but was for thirty anthologies and thirteen years - out-living john carnell by half a decade in the capable hands of ken bulmer - for most of its lifespan the primary uk & commonwealth market for sf authors, and published much that was great fun, as well as absorbing and sometimes very powerful reading.

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30th Jul 2020
Lord Alanbrooke - War Diaries 1939-1945 (2002)
Rated 9/10
general (later field marshal) sir alan brooke (later viscount alanbrooke) was chief of the imperial general staff - i.e. the professional head of the british armed services - from december 1941, and was probably the greatest professional military strategist of world war two. he was also the only person able to keep winston churchill's wilder flights of military fantasy if not fully under control, then at least usually under reasonable control, and to usually be able to reign-in churchill's unbridled excessive enthusiasms.

his comprehensive war diaries were originally substantially published in edited form after various people's accounts - including churchill's - made little, or actually slighting reference to his part in the appreciation, decision-taking and planning of the ultimately successful conduct of the allied armies' (including air forces' and navies') actions in defeating the wehrmacht in africa, and in southern, western and western-central europe. the editing appears to have been largely to remove severe and especially personal criticism of people with whom he worked who were still living at the time of the preparation with him of that edition by sir arthur bryant.

a considerable amount of the arguments and reasoning behind the strategic analysis, thinking and decisions made regarding the conduct of the war, and its bearing on broader campaign tactical matters as well as upon narrower battlefield tactics was not widely understood or represented at the time - and is still too-often missed, even in the second decade of the twenty-first century c.e.

- and his diaries make fascinating reading, not just for students of warfare in world war two.

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9th Jul 2020
Terry Pratchett - Eric (1990)
profusely illustrated in full colour by josh kirby, with some full-page pictures, some smaller but nevertheless crossing from one page to the page opposite, and some smaller illustrations wholly within a smaller part of the one page, with text "flowed" to one side or another of them, or sometimes wholly above or below them.

the blurb on the back of the book/dust-jacket gives a good indication of what to expect - except terry gives a rincewind's-eye-view of the "adventures" eric gets them into, i.e. dangers that any sane person would run away from at top speed - not approach eagerly (aka "run towards with a total disregard for elemental (or elementary) matters of safety") - and rincewind would sooner start running from now!

a tour-de-force in illustration of this discworld short novel by josh kirby:
don't settle for the text-only p/b or mmpb unless you have no alternative.

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8th Mar 2020
Robert Moore Williams - Zanthar At The Edge Of Never (1968)
ghu - and perhaps cthulhu - have any idea why the cover was rendered thus - the massive rendition of the "easy eye" logo lancer books seems to've employed rather more commonly to indicate use of a larger point size than was then normal in mmpbs plus - sometimes - the use of paper with a very, very pale green cast: certainly, nothing peculiar to this novel in particular.

(almost) certainly a mistake - but whose, whether in lancer's production department, or through the misunderstanding - or literal understanding - of the production department instructions by the printers - will almost inevitably remain one of the lasting secrets of lancer's history.

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28th Oct 2019
William Tuning - Fuzzy Bones (1981)
Rated 8/10
the fourth "fuzzynovel" authorised, like ardath mayhar's "golden dream: a fuzzy odyssey" (q.v.), before the long lost manuscript° of the original author's thrid, "fuzzies and other people", was rediscovered.

- and like the mayhar, "fuzzy bones" is still well worth reading: though not without some continuity problems with political developments in h. beam piper's original third novel, these are minor compared with the amount mayhar and tuning add to our knowledge of the fuzzies, the world on which we came across them, and the great adventure "pappy doc" and his friends stumbled into somewhere near its middle - but which could so easily have been, to witness its ending before realising quite how much was being lost thereby.

° - typescript, but they're still called manuscripts (ms, pl: mss) decades after the typewriter swept the world of the to-be-printed word - and decades after it virtually disappeared from anywhere there's electricity. or - potentially - sunshine.

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27th Oct 2019
David Hindle - Birdwatching Walks In The Lake District (2010)
the walks range between bowness-on-solway in the north, borrow beck, near tebay, in the east, st. bees head, whitehaven in the west, and south walney nature reserve, walney island south of barrow-in-furness, and across the width and breadth of the lake district.

walks' (approximate) timings for reasonably fit people given, as also suggestions of suitability for families-with-children (unsuitability thereof is usually self-evident).
colour photograph section of birds (mostly) is basic, but good.

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25th Oct 2019
Jean-Marc Lofficier - Moebius: A Retrospective (1995)
möbius, or mœbius, or moebius: one of the two main by-lines under which the major bandes desinées artist and writer jean giraud (q.v.) worked - he also used gir, and jean gir, contractions of his name. möbius was used mostly upon his science fictional, fantasy, fantastic and surreal work, and is by far the better-known by-line in america.

after working at fleurus and hachette, he worked on most of the blueberry western band desinées for éditions dargaud, and with other dissatisfied artists and writers, lead a late sixties revolution, insurrection or revolt over matters such as royalties and residuals, and artistic freedom,

jean giraud/möbius and his colleagues, co-authors and others effectively reinvented the realm of the bandes desinées to include generally more adult ideas, themes, treatments in addition to those of the previous child and teenager-oriented - and limited - ideas, inter alia co-founding the publisher, les humanoïdes associés, métal hurlant (= "cursing/screaming/shouting metal/machines") (q.v.) - much of whose content later published in the independent-but-associated american heavy metal magazine (q.v.) - and he greatly influenced the worlds of american comics, magazines, films - including major american film makers, both by being directly employed upon projects, including ton, q.v., and also indirectly.

jean giraud’s published works and collaborative works include "fort navajo", "blueberry", "le bandard fou", "cauchemar blanc" (= "white bed-dream", = "nightmare in white"), "arzach", " the airtight garage", "les yeux du chat" (= "cat's eyes"), "l’incal" (the adventures of "john difool"), "le monde d'aedena" (= "eden world") ("the aedena cycle"), "inside mœbius", and more.

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