ppint. ● 27th Dec 2023
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introduction (nf) frederik pohl
the embassy (short story) donald a. wollheim, astounding vol. xxix #1, 3/1942 as by martin pearson
the hunted (ss) john d. macdonald, super science stories vol.5 #3, 7/1949
heredity (novelette) isaac asimov, astonishing stories vol.2 #4, 4/1941
rock diver (ss) harrty harrison, worlds beyond vol.1 #3, 2/1941
the little black bag (ntte) c. m. kornbluth, astounding vol. xxxxv #7, 7/1950, four b+w illustrations by ed cartier
the lonely planet (ntte) murray leinster, thrilling wonder stories vol. xxxv #5, 12/1949
operation peep (ss) john wyndham, suspense summer/1951, revised as ''pawley's peepholes'' science fantasy #3, winter 1951
let the ants try (ss) frederik pohl, planet stories vol. iv #5, winter (11)/1949 as by james mccreigh
there will come soft rains (ss) ray bradbury, colliers 6th may 1950 (a martian chronicles story); argosy uk 8/1950
scanners live in vain (ntte) cordwainer smith, fantasy book vol.1 #6, 1/1950 (instrumentality of mankind story)
such interesting neighbours (ss) jack finney, colljers 6th january 1951
bridge crossing (ss) dave dryfoos, galaxy vol.2 #2, 5/1951
letter from the stars (ss) a. e. van vogt, the arkham sampler fall/1949 as ''dear pen pal''; out of this world adventures vol. 1 #1, 7/1950 as ''letter from the stars''
love in the dark (ss) h. l. gold, suspense vol.1 #3, fall/1951 as ''love ethereal''
obviously suicide (ss) s. fowler wright, suspense vol.1 #1, spring/1951
rescue party (ntte) arthur c. clarke, astounding vol. xxxvii #3, 5/1946; atlas bre vol. 5 #6, 9/1946
stepson of space (ss) raymond z. gallun, astonishing stories vol.2 #1, 10/1940
death is the penalty (ss) judith merril, astounding vol. xxxxii #5, 1/1949, a b+w illustration by ed cartier
beyond doubt (ss) robert a. heinlein as by lyle monroe, elma wentz, astonishing stories vol.2 #4, 4/1941, a b+w illustration by hannes bok |