daw books mmpb simultaneous first printings sharing merkin-printed covers, first edition
near-identical editions/printings sharing merkin-printed covers and hence also cat#,
cover art and b+w frontispiece & four full page illustrations by george barr (credited and signed)
cover price 95¢
near-meaningless daw books collector no. 27
144pp. including titles, indica etc.
publication month not given in publishing indica, taken from ''future and fantastic worlds: a bibliographical retrospective of daw books 1972 - 1987'' sheldon jaffery (1987), q.v.
refer to indica to see if carcass of copy held was canadadian- or merkin- printed.
no priority established nor liable to be, both state first printing 1972
distinguish from subsequent reprintings:
second (canada) & third (us) 2/1976 printings share merkin-printed covers, cat# UY1222, dropping the near-meaningless book collectors number,
cover art and interior b+w illustrations by george barr retained from the first edition/printings
cover price $1.25
144pp. including titles, indica etc.
again, refer to indica to see if carcass of copy held was canadadian- or merkin- printed.
based upon ''love is a dragonfly'' (novella) thomas burnett swann, f&sf vol.42 #3, 3/1972
some low(ish) thousands of copies of the wholly merkin first printing, first edition were exported to new american library's uk sister company, and distributed in the uk-of-gb-&-ni - and possibly a little further afield - bearing a small white oval (tallways), initially peelable, sticker bearing the nel ''doors'' logo and the uk price of 30p° they were listed on the nel catalogue/order sheet as being cat#ed S1027, but did not bear this number.
yr hmbl srppnt.'s not aware of any of the canadadian-carcassed copies intended for distribution north of the parallel being included amongst these; ° nor of any being priced at 25p.