daw books mmpb simultaneous first printings sharing merkin-printed covers
reprint collection of two novellas°, three novelettes and two short stories, introduction by c. j. cherryh
° - one original to this collection
cover art by michael whelan (signed mw, credited)
b+w frontispiece by jack gaughan (signed)
near-meaningless daw books collector no.400
cover price $2.25 (canadian-carcassed copies intended for distribution north of the parallel)
cover price $1.95 (wholly merkin-printed copies for general distribution)
224pp. (check) including titles, indicia, frontispiece etc, end pp. advertising
refer also to indicia to see if carcass of copy held was canadadian- or merkin- printed
no priority established nor liable to be, both state first printing, september 1980/123456789
if digits 1 & 2 dropped leaving 3456789, cat# UE1634, isbn 0-87997-634-9, it is the third printing
introduction (nf) c. j. cherryh
spider silk (novelette) in ''flashing swords! #3'' ed. lin carter (1976), q.v.
sand sister (novella) in ''heroic fantasy'' eds. gerald w. page, hank reinhardt (1979), q.v.
falcon blood (short story) in ''amazons!'' ed. jessica amanda salmanson (1979), q.v.
legacy from sorn fen (ss) in ''garan the eternal'' andre norton (1972), q.v.
sword of unbelief (ntte) in ''swords against darkness II'' ed. andrew offut (1972), q.v.
the toads of grimmerdale (nlla) in ''flashing swords! #2'' ed. lin carter (1973/4), q.v.
changeling (ntte) (° original to this collection) (this comment is from another edition of this book)
reprint collection of two novellas°, three novelettes, two short stories, introduction by c. j. cherryh
° - one original
with new isbn, cat#, new
cover design typography
cover art by michael whelan retained from first and later printings, credited
near-meaningless daw books collector no.400 returned to front cover, under new style daw logo
cover price (canada $4.50) • u.s. $3.50
276pp. (check) including titles, indicia, table-of-contents etc, end pp. advertising (this comment is from another edition of this book)
daw books mmpb printing, which not reported by contributor
i've not seen reported elsewhere; refer to the publishing history printing number line; it's indicated by the lowest remaining digit which should probapossibly be 5, indicating the fifth printing.
i've added the isbn
the text appears to've been re-set, as indicated by pagination increase to c.276pp. (this comment is from another edition of this book)
daw books mmpb undated third printing, near-identical with first printings, new isbn, new cat#
cover price $2.25 (wholly merkin-printed copies for general distribution)
indicia publishing history drops digits 1 & 2 leaving first printing, september 1980/3456789
(implicitly retrospectively deeming one of the two first printings to've been the second printing) (this comment is from another edition of this book)