daw books mmpb simultaneous first two printings, first edition, sharing merkin-printed covers and
cover art by ken w. kelly (signed, credited)
near-meaningless daw books collector no.481
cover price $3.50 (canadian-carcassed copies intended for distribution north of the parallel)
cover price $2.95 (wholly merkin-printed copies for general distribution)
248pp. (check) including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising
refer also to indicia publishing history printing number line to see if carcass of the copy held was canadadian- or merkin- printed; no priority in distribution date established, nor liable to be,
but the canadian-carcassed simultaneous first printing of all new american library mmpbs including daw books titles they manufactured and distributed from late 1980-to-mid 1990s were all identified by having the first digit from the printing number line dropped, leaving 23456789 and identifying them formally as the second printing