As mentioned elsewhere, the number, "47401" appears to be incorrect, and more likely 'should have' been "47041", as this fits better with Ace's then new numbering scheme, which was based alphabetically by title. (this comment is from another edition of this book)
byron preiss' ibooks imprint tp/b first printing, not first p/b edition
cover art by scott grimando (credited on back cover)
cover price $11.95 u.s., $17.50 can.(ada), £7.99 uk
224pp. (check) including titles, indicia etc, end pp.
text supplied by the vance integral edition project
distributed by & manufactured via simon & schuster/pocket books, hence pocket books group isbn (this comment is from another edition of this book)
daw books first mmpb printing, not first mmpb, may exist in two variants° sharing merkin-printed covers
cover art by h. r. van dongen (credited)
near-meaningless daw books collector no. 389
cover price $1.75
160pp. including titles, indicia etc, end p. advertising
° - may very well also exist as near-identical canadian-carcassed variant intended for distribution north of the parallel:
cover price $1.95 (likely: but cat# alpha prefix will not be varied to reflect this change)
if this variant exists, it will have been published simultaneously with the all-merkin printing
refer to publishing history to see if carcass of copy held was canadadian- or merkin- printed:
if it is the canadian-carcassed variant, please post ''here'' giving the wording identifying it from the publishing history. thank-you. (this comment is from another edition of this book)
bears only the 1958 first book publication copyright date
year dating of this first ace books mmpb as given by donald h. tuck.
cover art by gray morrow (signed, also credited)
b+w title page illustration by gray morrow (uncredited, detail from cover art)
cover price 40¢
160pp. small pocket mmpb format including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising
(second ace books edition/printing from this setting retains cover art, moves to taller mmpb format (close to uk "a format" p/b), new
cat# 47401
cover price 60¢
again undated save for the avalon/bouregy hardcover first edition's 1958 copyright date: must be 1969-1971 by cover price for an ace 160pp. mmpb, and lack of an ace books H-nnn series cat# indicating this price.) (the cat# may've been intended to be "47041", as the next known printing's cat# is "47042".)
(all three ace books mmpbs are 160pp, being printed from the same typesetting, paper folding (after printing) naturally to give side numbers in powers of 2, and very few sheets of paper possessing only one side.) (this comment is from another edition of this book)
charter communications, inc. ace books imprint undated° third ace books printing over-all
cover art by larry kresek (signed kresek, uncredited)
b+w title page illustration by gray morrow (uncredited, retained from first two printings)
cover price 95¢
160pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising
° - gives only 1958 copyright date as per previous mmpb printings
entered date of publication taken from locus #157, 6/4/1974
the cat# may've been given in error, and intended to've been "47402", as the previous known printing's cat# is "47401". (this comment is from another edition of this book)
granada publishing limited
published in 1974 by mayflower books ltd.
frogmore, st albans, herts al2 2nf (uk)
this book bears an sbn, not an isbn10; it is arithmetically fully compatible with the isbn10 system
cover art unsigned, uncredited; possibly by bob haberfield, but this is not an attribution
cover price 35p, $1.20 australia & new zealand
so should be re-flagged "international" according to respected moderator's rule
- or not so re-flagged, according to equally well-respected moderator's heartfelt plea
160pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising (this comment is from another edition of this book)