ppint. 4th Jan 2018
| | pyramid books mmpb first printing, first edition
reprint collection of three short stories and three novelettes
cover art by jack gaughan (signed, credited on back cover)
cover price 60¢
176pp. including titles, indica etc, end pp. advertising |
ppint. 18th Jun 2023
| | thomson books sphere books p/b first printing, not first uk p/b edition
reprint collection of three novelettes and three short stories
cover art by peter elson (signed with his pe in a line-drawn box)
cover price 85p, (overseas territories' prices ? dig out and check)
176pp. (re-check at same time) including titles, indicia, table-of-contents etc, end pp. advertising (this comment is from another edition of this book) |
ppint. 12th Jul 2022
| | j. m. dent readers union science fiction book club h/cvr first printing
sold on a near-inertia sales model by subscription to book club members only
cover (d-j) art by terry james
cover (d-j) price (8/6)
160pp. including titles, indica, table-of-contents etc, end pp. bound with endpapers between covered boards
not allocated a 5000-series cat# in david & charles' 1973 renumbering after buying the readers union group of book clubs from dent, so no stock of this book remained by the end of 1972 (this comment is from another edition of this book) |
ppint. 12th Jul 2022
| | contents:
''derm fool'' (short story) unknown vol. iii #1, 3/1940
the haunt (ss) unknown vol. iv #6, 4/1941; unknown bre vol. iv #6, 7/1941 (some covers 2/1941 in error)
artnan process (novelette) astounding vol. xxvii #4, 9/1941
the world well lost (ss) universe sf vol.1 #1, 6/1953
the pod and the barrier (ntte) galaxy vol.14 #5, 9/1957; galaxy bre #56, 11/1957
how to kill aunty (ntte) mike shane mystery magazine 3/1961 as ''how to kill your aunty'' (this comment is from another edition of this book) |
ppint. 12th Jul 2022
| | victor gollancz h/cvr first printing, first h/cvr edition
reprint collection of three novelettes and three short stories
cover (d-j) art (none; classic black & magenta typography on gollancz yellow, with black zigzags)
cover (d-j) price 21/-
160pp. including titles, indica, table-of-contents etc, end pp. bound with endpapers between cloth-covered boards (this comment is from another edition of this book) |
ppint. 4th Jan 2018
| | pyramid books near-identical third mmpb printings sharing merkin-printed covers, and hence also cat#,
cover art unsigned, uncredited, sfaik as-yet unattributed
cover price 75¢
176pp. including titles, indica etc, end pp. advertising
see indica to check if carcass of copy you hold was canadadian- or merkin- printed
no priority established, nor likely to be, both stating third printing march 1972 (this comment is from another edition of this book) |
ppint. 4th Jan 2018
| | transworld publishers corgi books imprint uk p/b first printing
reprint collection of three novelettes and three short stories
cover art by harry willock/ink studios (credited on rear cover)
cover price 25p. (5s.), australia 80c, new zealand 80c, south africa 60c
so should be re-flagged "international" according to respected moderator's rule
- or not so re-flagged, according to equally well-respected moderator's heartfelt plea
160pp. including titles, indica etc. (this comment is from another edition of this book) |
ppint. 4th Jan 2018
| | pyramid books mmpb second printing with new
cover art by jack gaughan (credited on back cover)
cover price 60¢
176pp. including titles, indica etc, end pp. advertising (this comment is from another edition of this book) |