now listed in the first, primary, instance as by ''various authors'', this book now sorts with over two thousand other bookcat items listed as by ''various authors'' - currently, 2,043 bookcat items, as yr hmbl srppnt. types.
when the two authors are actually known, this ''added fuzziness of indexing'' of co-authored books does not seem to be a great gain in the usefulness of bookcat.
author should be corrected by deletion of '' and boris''
and then
co-author ''boris strugatski'' entered
this will allow bookcat to sort the edition together with other editions entered correctly, and to sort this edition of the book together with other books by each author.
boris (only one transliteration - huzzah!) strugatski (etc, etc.)
- which of the transliterations bookcat uses depends partly on pure chance of precedence,
followed by any revision agreed upon that represents a reasonable representation of the sound of the names in the ''nominative form'' in the original language - in this case, russian.