introduction (nf) groff conklin
the machine stops (novelette) e. m. forster (the oxford & cambridge review michaelmas term 1909)
as easy as a. b. c. (ntte) rudyard kipling (the london magazine 3/1912, 4/1912) (aerial board of control)
the derelict (ntte) william hope hodgson (the red magazine vol.15 #88, 1/12/1912; u.s.a: all around magazine 2/1916)
the fires within (short story) arthur c. clarke (fantasy #3, 8/1947; u.s.a: startling vol.20 #1, 9/1949)
a child is crying (ss) john d. macdonald (thrilling wonder vol. xxxiii #2, 12/1948)
quis custodiet...? (ss) margaret st. clair (startling vol.17 #3, 7/1948)
the life-work of professor muntz (ss) murray leinster (thrilling wonder vol. xxxiv #2, 6/1949)
the appendix and the spectacles (ss) miles j. breuer, m.d. (amazing vol.3 #9, 12/1928)
death from the stars (ntte) a. rowley hilliard (wonder stories vol.3 #5, 10/1931) (in the ''avenging ray'' universe)
the hurkle is a happy beast (ss) theodore sturgeon (the magazine of fantasy (f&sf) vol.1 #1, fall/1949)
king of the gray spaces (ss) ray bradbury (famous fantastic mysteries vol. v #5, 12/1943); aka ''r is for rocket''
the living galaxy (ss) laurence manning (wonder stories vol.6 #4, 9/1934)
reprint anthology of four novelettes and eight short stories (1909-1949), introduction by groff conklin
cover art by richard powers (unsigned, uncredited; attribution from ''the art of richard powers'' jane frank (2001))
cover price 35¢, canada 39¢
256pp. including titles, indica, table-of-contents etc.