the lion and the lamb (novelette) astounding vol. xxxxvi #1, 9/1950;
the cover story, art and five b+w illustrations by walt miller
the mighty tides (nf) science digest 4/1961 as "what makes the mighty tides?"
trapped in the sea of stars (ss) original to this collection (a fafhrd & the gray mouser story);
collected in "swords & ice magic" fritz leiber (1977 & ff.)
fafhrd and me (nf) amra 10/1963
the belsen express (ss) original here
ingmar bergman: fantasy novelist (nf) ? 9/1974
scream wolf (ss) mike shane mystery magazine 2/1961
those wild alien words: II (nf) original here
the mechanical bride (play) in "science fiction thinking machines" ed. groff conklin (1954)
through hyperspace with brown jenkin (nf) shangri-l'affaires 9/1963, revised 1975
a defence of werewolves (nf) the arkham sampler spring/1948
daw books near-identical mmpb first printings sharing merkin-printed covers and hence also cat#,
cover art by jack gaughan (credited), also b+w frontispiece (signed with "jg" monogram)
cover price $1.95
208pp. (check) including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising
refer to indicia to see whether carcass of copy held was merkin- or canadadian- printed
no priority established nor liable to be, both beari first printing date and number-string 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9