gondwane series #1, though not the first-published or first-written:
#1: "the warrior of world's end " (1974) this novel;
#2: "the enchantress of world's end" (1975), q.v.;
#3: "the immortal of world's end" (1976), q.v.;
#4: "the barbarian of world's end" (1977), q.v.;
#5: "the pirate of world's end" (1978), q.v.;
#6: "giant of world's end" (1969), q.v.
daw books simultaneous near-identical first printings sharing merkin-printed covers, first edition
cover art and b+w interior illustration by vincent di fate (both signed, cover credited)
b+w map by lin carter (uncredited, signed)
near-meaningless daw books collectors number 125
cover price 95¢
160pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising
check indicia to determine whether you hold a copy with merkin or canadadian-printed carcass
no priority established nor liable to be.
check covers, indicia also for later printings, all of which known retain both cover art & b+w art:
8/1977 2nd pr. (canada) or 3rd pr. (us) bears new cat# UY1321, isbn 0-87997-321-8, cover price $1.25
11/1978 fifth printing (us) bears third cat# UW1420, new isbn 0-87997-420-6, cover price $1.50
(there was prob'ly also a simultaneous 11/1978 canadian-carcassed printing, possibly accounted the fourth printing by daw books, but yr hmbl srppnt.'s neither seen, nor seen report of such.)