Discogs also has the real Canadian release, manufactured by Cinram, which shows catalogue number CD 97541, whereas the images here are for the European version with catalogue number 4509-97541-2, and with the European rights societies GEMA and BIEM which do not appear on the Canadian copy. Again, it looks to me like this was meant to be the US Intersound version with completely different details to the Canadian and Euopean WEA versions, but images for the European were added by mistake.
Mod: made new European entry and moved images over
The bottom of the CD show 3 symbols which indicate 'The MAPL system' in use. These are the four elements used to qualify songs as being Canadian: Music, Artist, Performance and Lyrics (MAPL). Thus, my vote is Canadian for this item.
This is the type of entry that usually produces lots of chit-chat on a page. Do you like the label? The country? Isn't it Warner or WEA or something? Wow! Warner Music Canada Ltd is also printed on this item.