@TheDroid: Perhaps it is a previously unreleased demo version of their iconic hit... :)
Fat chance of that! Having listened to disc 1 today, I can tell you that there is something odd about the sound. Most definitely mono, but with an annoying tinny-ness to the hi end -- the cymbals and such. it sound like they ripped them from the legit EMI issued CDs and then in re-mastering them ended up recompressing them,
Stargrove's copyright protection I would think is for their specific compilation and packaging as opposed to actual copyright on the tracks. Admittedly, 33 tracks across 3 CDs is a bit of rubbish, but that makes it less than Can$5 a disk as the set sells for Can$12.98/ US$9.70/ £7.80/ €9.30.
From what I have read, tracks up to June 1965 are up for grabs by them, so there may be more.
New release now being sold at Walmart in Canada of public domain Beatles material with several tracks not on previously released CDs from Stargrove. This is a 3 CD set.