CD Singles

CD Singles - Comments / Reviews by Lee Wrecker

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MemberItem Review/Comment
Lee Wrecker
15th Oct 2021
CD Single
Supergrass - Lenny (1995)
Hi Magic, see my comment on this Pink Floyd release from 5 years ago. A better example of the practise described is this Pink Floyd release. An example of a multi-faceted cock-up is this Pink Floyd release. So it's hard to tell really sometimes we get the EU issue as released in the EU, sometimes just EMI Swindon glass as the case seems to be here. However we can also have locally made and EU versions with the same details released simultaneously and anything in between. David Bowie's 1999 reissues on EMI were a case where both locally made and EU made products were issued at the same time.

Maahrjick (that's the Australian spelling), the point is evidence of one will not prove others don't or did not exist. Not very helpful I know in this case but it might be handy to know and it really only applies to 1995 to 2000 era EMI releases.

Lee Wrecker
6th Oct 2021
CD Single
Supergrass - Lenny (1995)
The Australian issue here needs a new entry it has a different cat# 8821482 and should be entered in line with this Supergrass CD Single from the same year.

Strange that the Australian version only has EMI on the label too but it is a Parlophone release nonetheless. In the mid nineties it was common practise for EMI to manufacture in Swindon and send all the components including the cover and unstamped glass around the world. Wherever they landed they were assembled and the Swindon glass was then stamped. This is covered in the fine print within the price box "place of manufacture as stated on label" but this is not really true as they were all manufactured in Swindon and just had the labels stamped in the country of distribution. In Australia the stamping also included altering the cat# to a single string of seven numerals. They are definitely Australian releases but only stamped and assembled here not manufactured as the inlay might infer.

(Correction sent, new entry created and linked below)

Lee Wrecker
9th Aug 2021
CD Single
The Rolling Stones - The Singles 1971-2006 (45x45s) (2011)
This is international as it is ℗ 2011 Promotone B.V., under exclusive license to Universal International Music B.V. © 2011 Promotone B.V., under exclusive license to Universal International Music B.V. Although it states made in the EU on the CDs the purpose of Universal International Music B.V. is to manufacture distribute products worldwide.

The home page of this release on Discogs only lists two legitimate releases of this set one from the EU and one from Japan. The Japanese issue would have had to been made to navigate Japan's unique rights management situation. This EU produced set was made for the rest of the world that's why there are only the two releases on Discogs. I see Beggars Road and Sailorsam from the USA own a lot of these EU produced Universal International Music B.V. products and that's because these are readily available in the USA as well as everywhere else other than Japan. It was also (and still is in the shop down the road) available in Australia. These are not imports they are local releases just because a product is shipped to a different market doesn't change the fact that it was intended for that market and makes it a local release where ever it it sold.

We really need to come to grips with all products released under the Universal International Music B.V. banner.

Lee Wrecker
9th Aug 2021
CD Single
The Rolling Stones - Ruby Tuesday (Live) (2011)
This is international as it is ℗ 2011 Promotone B.V., under exclusive license to Universal International Music B.V. © 2011 Promotone B.V., under exclusive license to Universal International Music B.V. Although it states made in the EU on the CDs the purpose of Universal International Music B.V. is to manufacture distribute products worldwide.

The home page of this release on Discogs only lists two legitimate releases of this set one from the EU and one from Japan. The Japanese issue would have had to been made to navigate Japan's unique rights management situation. This EU produced set was made for the rest of the world that's why there are only the two releases on Discogs. I see Beggars Road and Sailorsam from the USA own a lot of these EU produced Universal International Music B.V. products and that's because these are readily available in the USA as well as everywhere else other than Japan. It was also (and still is in the shop down the road) available in Australia. These are not imports they are local releases just because a product is shipped to a different market doesn't change the fact that it was intended for that market and makes it a local release where ever it it sold.

Lee Wrecker
11th Aug 2018
CD Single
Marc Cohn - Silver Thunderbird (1991)
Scans uploaded by Pomegranate so most likely an Australian release too! I won't even mention the consequences but will say that something needs to be done. The bang 'em in and they'll sort themselves out is producing many different individual methods of entering CDs on the site. I'm not going to comment on the validity of any of these just pointing out most contributing site users in this world use different methods to enter CDs. I myself have three separate methods that I use depending on the vagaries of the particular CD. The problem is that all of my three styles are equally valid and are all both correct and incorrect entries at the same time.

I have on the odd occasion been able to enter the same CD as either Australian, European or International and be technically right in every case. However, this doesn't sit well with me and I could do without the constant dilemmas that this area of the site has created. Yes, unfortunately we have created a monster. Urggghhhhh!

Lee Wrecker
10th Aug 2018
CD Single
Primal Scream - Kowalski (1997)
Just linked the two releases of this again. They were linked in 2013 but they seem to have drifted apart since then. Anyway they're back together now.

Lee Wrecker
9th May 2018
CD Single
Reef - Consideration (1997)
Video not available in my country Magic. Can I apply to England to be a musical refugee? :(

Lee Wrecker
21st Mar 2018
CD Single
The Chemical Brothers - The Private Psychedlic Reel (1997)
Linked this to the Australian (primary) release on the site. Someone might want swap them around and make the UK release the primary one for this single which would make sense.

Lee Wrecker
11th Sep 2017
CD Single
Super Furry Animals - Ice Hockey Hair EP (1998)
Added barcode and wished I had this CD. I do love the Furries.

Lee Wrecker
26th May 2017
CD Single
Eric Clapton - My Father's Eyes (1998)
Looks like a UK specific release to me the cat# W0443CD appears on the German/EU release but only as a secondary cat#. The spine of this UK release only uses the Duck Records cat# W0443CD. There may have been another UK listing that you are referring to that has been deleted but this is the only one here now. Hence, my comments refer to the two German/EU pressings on the site which both also have different tracklists to this copy. Should we link them anyway??

Lee Wrecker
16th May 2017
CD Single
Nick And Simon - Take My Hand (Engelse Versie Pak Maar M'n Hand) (2012)
Hi Pomegranate, just out of interest how do you tell the difference between CD Single and Albums by the cat#? I think that could be a handy bit of information to know for a lot of catters.

Lee Wrecker
15th May 2017
CD Single
Nick And Simon - Take My Hand (Engelse Versie Pak Maar M'n Hand) (2012)
States Mini - Album on cover so album as far as I'm concerned but these can be tricky.

Lee Wrecker
14th May 2017
CD Single
I.O.S. (Is Ook Schitterend) - Meer Van Jou (2006)
Het tegendeel is waar. It's most likely the antithesis to whatever you're thinking Magic but it is not mouth. Think of the Small Faces "Itchycoo Park" and you'll be on the right track. Richard, can explain. Apologies for butting in.

Lee Wrecker
14th May 2017
CD Single
The Strokes - Last Nite (2001)
Tried to send corrections but keep getting an error message and some comments are not appearing despite being evident on the CD Singles homepage. Telecom (Australia) to blame I'd imagine. Anyway the barcode here should be 743219051523 not 74319051523 as I have missed the 2 that comes 4th in the list. You may have done this correction as I sent two earlier but the page has been repeatedly throwing up error messages. Apologies for the mistakes and any cross postings.


Lee Wrecker
14th May 2017
CD Single
The Strokes - Last Nite (2001)
BMG, RCA or both in a particular order? These things confuse me at the moment.

Lee Wrecker
14th May 2017
CD Single
The Strokes - Last Nite (2001)
Linked to Australian release which has two bonus tracks but is the same single release for Australia.

Lee Wrecker
11th Mar 2017
CD Single
The Smashing Pumpkins - 1979 (1996)
Added Australian issue and linked to UK and US editions. This is the best of the Smashing Pumpkins all on one single.

Lee Wrecker
11th Mar 2017
CD Single
The Smashing Pumpkins - 1979 (1996)
I'll enter the Australian version with a different cat# soon - can't believe I missed it when I entered my CD Singles but the Aussie release is in a standard jewel case so I may have thought it was a regular CD. I have to agree with Majik Mumbelade though as I also never really got stricken by Pumpkin fever and this is the only thing of theirs I own. It's a good one though.

Lee Wrecker
28th Nov 2016
CD Single
Hanson - Penny And Me (Radio Edit) (2004)
Hanson or HansonMm has someone let a typo through? Mmm they were smiley, wholesome, inoffensive family friendly types though. Which one is in re-hab?

(Mmod commmment: corrected)

Lee Wrecker
17th Aug 2016
CD Single
Super Furry Animals - Lazer Beam (2005)
This EU made release is the same as the linked UK release. I would consider this a European or even dare I say it International edition. I bought it at regular price in a retail chain in Australia. Discogs lists this release as European for whatever that is worth. However, the problem is that this European listing and the linked UK release are the same CD Single and one or the other has to go. Merge and Destroy one entry. Correction sent.

Lee Wrecker
17th Aug 2016
CD Single
Blur - Song 2 (1997)
Linked to UK 3 track version this Australian edition has a bonus track "Bustin' + Dronin'" tacked on as track 4.

Lee Wrecker
3rd Jul 2016
CD Single
The Chemical Brothers - Block Rockin' Beats (1997)
The linked USA version has an extra track to this and the UK version. The extra track is Block Rockin' Beats (The Micronauts Remix) and is essentially just a remix of the title track.

Lee Wrecker
26th Feb 2016
CD Single
The Living End - Second Solution (1997)
Pomegranate, here is the source of my information from a forum post by sladesounds in 2013. @ https://www.45worlds.com/45worlds/45w_forum_topic_view.php?t=90050

"What is a CD Single - A CD World users (rough) guide.

To many a CD Single is obvious - the equivalent of a 7" single, 7" EP or a 12" single or 12" Maxi single. However with record labels being generous and making full use of the CD format we have CDs being issued which could be called Mini Albums (or the equivalent).

This site, being the sister site of 45Cat is about CD singles, not CD albums or CD mini albums.

So how to define a CD, using the UK Chart Company's guidelines, to qualify in the UK as a single:

The CD (Single) must contain the featured track or a version/remix of it.
The CD (Single) must meet the minimum dealer price requirement.
The CD (Single) must have no more than 4 different tracks, although each song may appear in any number of different versions.
The CD (Single) maximum running time is 25 minutes (if more than one different song is featured), or 40 minutes (if one song is featured in multiple versions/mixes).

So the important bits that make a CD qualify as a CD Single.
No more than 4 different tracks (not counting any remixes of the same song).
No more than 25 minutes in playing time (for up to 4 different tracks) or upto 40 minutes if the CD contains remix versions.

So (besides selling a few copies) a CD with tracks listing:

1. Song A
2. Song B
3. Song C
4. Song D

is good for inclusion in the UK Charts;

whereas a CD with the track listing:

1. Song A
2. Song B
3. Song C
4. Song D
5. Song E

is not.

A CD with track listing:

1. Song A
2. Song B
3. Song C
4. Song D
5. Song A (remix)

is classed as valid for although it has 5 tracks, the remix track does not count for UK Chart purposes.

The guidelines outlined above are based on the UK charts; there are always going to be exceptions to the rule such as do we include the running time of any video tracks on the disc? What about DVD singles?

A general rule that can be applied is that if a CD charts in the singles chart of a country, regardless of the number of tracks on the disc, then it must be a CD Single (at least as far as that country is concerned).

Another general rule is if an artist/band releases a CD and calls it a CD Single or the record label promotes the CD as a CD Single then, in theory, it must be a CD Single regardless of the number of tracks or the running time.

There will be many discs that fall outside of the basic guidelines/rules and these can be discussed in the forums.

If you have any disc that you can't make your mind up about then ask in the forums and see what the consensus is, let the masses decide."

Clear as mud?? This is where my weird notions came from after I queried an entry and I thought when I'd done most of my stuff I'd come back and correct these only to find these rules don't apply. Or rather they apply when certain people want them to apply which is not great for consistency.

Lee Wrecker
26th Feb 2016
CD Single
The Living End - Second Solution (1997)
Well, Pomegranate that is the answer I got from the Mods when I queried why the Captain Beefheart A&M singles CD @ https://www.45worlds.com/cdalbum/cd/blimpcd902 was listed as an album. I also assumed up to 8 songs were good according to the guide but the experience of listing my 5 song Beefheart single only to find it was already listed (and still is) as an album made think other factors were at play. The Beefheart CD is listed everywhere else as a single and reasoning for the decision basically came down to the fact it had more than 4 songs. I personally listed the Beefheart CD as a single @ https://www.45worlds.com/cdsingle/cd/blimpcd902 but both entries are still live. I suppose this why I have some confusion about the criteria in operation.

Lee Wrecker
26th Feb 2016
CD Single
The Living End - Second Solution (1997)
Thanks Pomegranate for backing up my initial judgement but the rules are "no more than 4 songs" and while this is obviously a single and was released as single it doesn't fit the sites' criteria by being one song too long. CD EPs all have to be listed as albums if they have more than 4 songs but they were released as EPs. This band's first release the Hellbound EP being a case in point. I listed it here but fear I may be wrong given the criteria in play on this part of the site.

Lee Wrecker
26th Feb 2016
CD Single
Beck - Sissyneck [Australian Tour Edition] (1997)
Too many songs for a single?? Should I re-enter in the CD albums section? PM me if you need me to make a new entry or do anything else. Cheers, Lee.

Lee Wrecker
26th Feb 2016
CD Single
Chumbawamba - Tubthumping (1997)
Too many songs for a single?? Should I re-enter in the CD albums section? PM me if you need me to make a new entry or do anything else. Cheers, Lee.

Lee Wrecker
26th Feb 2016
CD Single
TISM - Censored Due To Legal Advice (1993)
Too many songs for a single?? Should I re-enter in the CD albums section? PM me if you need me to make a new entry or do anything else. Cheers, Lee.

Lee Wrecker
26th Feb 2016
CD Single
Fleet Foxes - Sun Giant (2008)
Too many songs for a single?? Should I re-enter in the CD albums section? PM me if you need me to make a new entry or do anything else. I do know the European version of this is listed here as a single though. Cheers, Lee.

Lee Wrecker
26th Feb 2016
CD Single
Morphine - Potion (1997)
Too many songs for a single?? Should I re-enter in the CD albums section? PM me if you need me to make a new entry or do anything else. Cheers, Lee.

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