George Slv 28th Sep 2015 |  | CinemaJack The Ripper (1959) (1959) | The story of the US release was thus:
US distributor Joseph E. Levine played the grand showman. He knew he had a hit on his hands. He was going to promote the release to high heaven. A $2 million promotional budget, he appeared on TV with a wheelbarrow depicting $2 million in bills. There were TV ads everywhere and the movie attracted great interest. Of course this presumes the popularity would compensate for his costs.
But then Levine cheated. Instead of standard ticket prices, he made the price $2, and regardless of age. Tickets for young people then used to be maybe 35c. That audience now generally couldn't afford to go. Altho popular and liked, the release became a financial flop. It did not earn a profit in a single theater.
The US release is not reissued in any commercial form. It may not have been formally copyrighted and may be public domain.
George Slv 28th Sep 2015 |  | CinemaJack The Ripper (1959) (1959) | The US distributor created a different soundtrack score, by Jimmy McHugh and Pete Rugolo instead of using the UK score of Stanley Black. The UK aspect ratio was 1.66 widescreen.
George Slv 28th Sep 2015 |  | CinemaCat On A Hot Tin Roof (1958) (1958) | Based on a Tennessee Williams play.
As a young guy Elizabeth Taylor was my favorite female actress. MGM was only making one movie with her yearly, to maintain her value.
So I want to start getting to know her better, I sees the TV ad where she drops her slip down her legs, which were nice, and I goes to the movie.
Lesson learned: flush Tennessee Williams, and MGM didn't appreciate her female appeal enuf.
That leg shot was the only sexy bit in the whole movie.
Here's her husband telling her not to get sexually involved with him. Williams' homo tendencies.
MGM constantly using homosexual lead actors for Liz's movies too.
Go see Cleopatra.
George Slv 28th Sep 2015 |  | CinemaThe Rose Tattoo (1955) (1955) | Based on a Tennessee Williams play.
George Slv 8th Sep 2015 |  | CinemaHuckleberry Finn (1931) (1931) | It can be seen at Internet Archive. It would be public domain in most if not all countries.
George Slv 8th Sep 2015 |  | CinemaTom Sawyer (1930) (1930) | It can be seen now at Internet Archive.
From Canada TV, it should be legal.
George Slv 6th Sep 2015 |  | CinemaThe Court Jester (1956) (1956) | Rated 10/10Danny Kaye plays a junior member of Robin Hood's merry band. Glynis John is an eyeful as his female sidekick. He gets the assignment to infiltrate the king's palace as a court jester, from where he can help restore the throne to the rightful heir, who happens to still be a baby.
This is one of the funniest films in history.
✔︎ Helpful Review?
George Slv 6th Sep 2015 |  | CinemaTen Seconds To Hell (1959) (1959) | Filmed in England by Hammer Studio for the American producers.
George Slv 6th Sep 2015 |  | CinemaThe Flame And The Arrow (1950) (1950) | My title shot is from the preview. Check if it's different in the film.
[YouTube Video]
YT from Movieclips Trailer Vault.
It's not a classic, I thought it was routine.
George Slv 30th Aug 2015 |  | CinemaRio Conchos (1964) (1964) | Youtube preview (yeah yeah - "trailer")
[YouTube Video]
from Shout! Factory. It's not top quality, and the shape is wrong.
George Slv 29th Aug 2015 |  | CinemaRio Conchos (1964) (1964) | Richard Boone and his American team search for the source of the gun selling to Indians around Texas / Mexico. At one point a band of Mexican bandits tries to rob their group.
This is one intense exciting western.
Also starred Jim Brown, the black football running back star of the day.
George Slv 18th Aug 2015 |  | CinemaThe Crimson Pirate (1952) (1952) | ReviewWhat a fantastic rollicking adventure. Lancaster and Cravat had both in real life been trapeze partners. Watch Burt swing gloriously on the ship yardarms right at the opening. Throughout the movie they do acrobatics escaping the villains. An excellent story with tongue in cheek with plenty of humour, where his pirate crew help a group of democratic revolutionaries on a Caribbean island.
✔︎ Helpful Review?
George Slv 18th Aug 2015 |  | CinemaRun Silent Run Deep (1958) (1958) | ReviewAnother production of Harold Hecht. But he did not conceive this movie, it was United Artists who called on his company to produce it. It does not have the caliber of his other film classics. This comes off more as a drama among the crew. What a tired theme already - a stern captain creates friction with his crew. It was not satisfying enough as an adventure movie.
It was black and white by the way.
To me the most successful submarine movie was Up Periscope.
1 person found this review helpful. ✔︎ Helpful Review?
George Slv 17th Aug 2015 |  | CinemaApache (1954) (1954) | Based on a true story of an Apache warrior who escaped custody and wreaked havoc in the west before being caught again. One of the genre classics produced by Harold Hecht. Based on the novel "Broncho Apache" by Paul I. Wellman.
YT highlights from GSMovieMoments:
[YouTube Video]
George Slv 17th Aug 2015 |  | CinemaCat Ballou (1965) (1965) | One of a series of classics produced in the 1950s and 60s by Harold Hecht.
George Slv 12th Aug 2015 |  | CinemaDon't Knock The Twist (1962) (1962) | [YouTube Video]
Linda Scott performs Yessiree.
YT video from GSMusicMoments.
George Slv 31st Jul 2015 |  | CinemaCarry On Constable (1960) (1960) | You know the scene where the constables take a shower, the water is unexpectedly cold, and they all run out just holding towels in front? A recent release has cut that scene out.
One of the mysteries of planet Earth. Times are presumably getting more licencious, but they make cuts like this to reissues, and Google search thinks low necklines must be blocked.
George Slv 26th Jul 2015 |  | CinemaTaras Bulba (1962) (1962) | [YouTube Video]
The ride of the kozaks scene, from cvetozaver Youtube.
Zaporozchy is the word for their kozak organization.
By the way, digital kills all the life out of this music.
George Slv 26th Jul 2015 |  | CinemaTaras Bulba (1962) (1962) | Produced by Tony Curtis. An extremely exciting story about Ukrainian [no not Roshen, okay?] kozaks. Problem was that when you saw the newspaper ad there was no picture indicating this and no description. People wouldn't know what "Taras Bulba" meant. That's a first and last name ya know?
George Slv 26th Jul 2015 |  | CinemaTrapeze (1956) (1956) | [YouTube Video]
Movie highlights from Youtube GSMovieMoments.
George Slv 26th Jul 2015 |  | CinemaShake, Rattle & Rock! (Shake, Rattle And Rock! ) (1956) (1956) | ReviewConnors plays a host of a TV teen dance party show, where he has brought in city gang members who have now been influenced to reform their lives.Throughout the film Fats Domino sings three songs. Big Joe Turner sings two and his band plays a couple more as dance background. A group of old fogies including Margaret Dumont insist on getting the show and R&R banned. It leads to a trial that is telecast, played for humour.
There are still plenty of "useful idiot" liberals who disdain the "McCarthy era" and all these kinds of subjects, and make clever comments against it. That's not my approach.
The movie was the third produced by the new American-International studio formed by Samuel Arkoff and John (Jack) Nicholson, and it was successful. It is categorized as public domain now, which suggests that it was never even formally copyrighted at the time.
There are DVDs available from private sellers.
Mike Connors starred in the TV detective series Tightrope ~1959 and later Mannix. He used the name Touch Connors in a couple of movies.
2 people found this review helpful. ✔︎ Helpful Review?
George Slv 15th Jul 2015 |  | CinemaOctopussy (1983) (1983) | [YouTube Video]
One review book says they threw in everything but the kitchen sink to make an enjoyable movie. This may be the most enjoyable exciting Bond. Check these train scenes.
Goof: If you have a bomb 4-hour preset delay, then you don't set the detonation time.
George Slv 12th Jun 2015 |  | CinemaDeep Sleep (1990) (1990) | Excerpts with Megan Follows
[YouTube Video]
The video capture was uneven.
George Slv 21st May 2015 |  | CinemaThe Third Man (The 3rd Man) (1949) (1949) | Who is Harry Lime and why is there a movie about him
in the first place
George Slv 21st May 2015 |  | CinemaUne Parisienne (La Parisienne) (1957) (1957) | LouisSidney, how can you miss the point? The black screen is where the missing footage should be. Did you look at the YT video?
And go to the YT page to read explanations.
George Slv 21st May 2015 |  | CinemaUne Parisienne (La Parisienne) (1957) (1957) | Clips I put on Youtube with English audio.
[YouTube Video]
George Slv 20th May 2015 |  | CinemaUne Parisienne (La Parisienne) (1957) (1957) | Oh yeah, this is one I've been working on for years as a collector.
It seems the French edition was titled Une while the English was La.
I have an English language collector tape. That has never been issued officially on VHS or DVD.
Only French language with English subtitles.
And the reissues are all missing the pre-title sequence. I'd really like to know why.
George Slv 9th May 2015 |  | CinemaMob Story (1989) (1989) | My experience during the filming of this movie in Winnipeg. For the winter car chase downtown they waited for a night when there was frost on the pavement, to make the car skid as it turned left from Portage Ave north onto Main St. It was past midnight and I had a chance to go watch. The camera here was on the north-east corner inside the back of a station wagon. There were a couple ambulances hired standing around corners in case of accident. Security guards kept pedestrians from entering the scene. I came from the south-west area across the street, waited til I was allowed to walk along the sidewalk circled red and thru an underpass to the camera location.
See the image above from the movie. In the action, this car skids as it turns to your right, and stopped with its side to the camera here.
Portage and Main is a famous intersection in Canada. The two largest arteries meeting. Each street 8 lanes divided.
George Slv 8th May 2015 |  | CinemaMob Story (1989) (1989) | The producers were two Jewish brothers of Winnipeg, who took advantage of federal government grants to aid Canadian content production. A New York film crew was used, and filmed around Winnipeg. It's not top class, but of historical interest.