Juke Jules SUBS 10th Feb 2019 | | Classical ItemBamberger Symphoniker - Grieg | I was surprised to see this label with its "Variable Micrograde 78" banner, and I asked one of our 78s specialists about it. DG patented "Variable Micrograde" in 1946, so used it for 78s around 1950, but they are not microgroove, so you can play them back with a normal 78 stylus. They are variable pitch which increased the available playing time for Classical music.
This item was apparently recorded 29 Aug 1952 so the release date would be a little later than that.
Juke Jules SUBS 14th May 2017 | | Classical ItemSandra & Jeroen Van Veen, Irene Russo, Fred Oldenburg - Simeon ten Holt: Canto Ostinato (2012) | A delightfully relaxing piece of minimalism, which I was introduced to in a the most unlikely way.
I had been searching for a video which a young relative and her friends had been dancing to, and after a lot of searches on YouTube it was finally revealed to be Sexy and I Know It by some guy calling himself LMFAO. The YT 'recommendations' bot then started offering me more Sexy and I Know It videos, in the midst of which was the video for this very recording. Bemused, I took a listen and, sure enough, there was at one point the faintest hint of the LMFAO melody
Don't let that put you off ;-)
[YouTube Video]
Juke Jules SUBS 28th Aug 2014 | | Classical ItemMaurice Cole - Concerto In A Minor (1929) | Good to see it here Greg; keep them coming but you are welcome to add this also in 78 World