Graham7 23rd Feb 2020 | | Video GameHexen - id Software (1997) | That different barcode had me puzzled for a while, it's the languages that are different.
See the back covers, this one is in English, French, and German. The other one (mine) is English, Dutch, Spanish and Italian. The discs look identical, so I think it's just English in the game itself.
One to revisit if I ever dig the old PS1 out again.
Graham7 16th Aug 2017 | | Video GameNow! That's What I Call Music - Dance And Sing (2011) | [YouTube Video]
Graham7 2nd Sep 2016 | | Video GameStar Wars - Atari (1983) | [YouTube Video]
This machine is (or was) for sale here - if you've got room at home and £3k burning a hole in your pocket.
Graham7 29th Aug 2016 | | Video GameFluid - Sony (1998) | [YouTube Video]
Graham7 29th Aug 2016 | | Video GameThe Simpsons Wrestling - Electronic Arts (2001) | [YouTube Video]
Graham7 22nd Apr 2016 | | Video GameArchipelagos - Amiga Format (1991) | This was one of my favourites, not played it in 20 years(!), luckily YT can remind me of the atmospheric music - smashing some rocks, planting some grass, and dashing back to the obelisk, all the while avoiding the trees soaking the land blood red.
[YouTube Video]
[YouTube Video]
Graham7 19th Apr 2016 | | Video GameSpeccy Classix 3000 - [none] | Did you want compilations like this?
I would have liked to enter this as Spectrum software, but I don't know whether it's possible to use the software here directly on a Spectrum, wasn't it all uploaded by (audio) cassette?
Graham7 19th Apr 2016 | | Video GameArchipelagos - Amiga Format (1991) | Is this free disk OK, using magazine title as publisher, or should I have used original game publisher?
Graham7 19th Apr 2016 | | Video GameShadow Of The Beast II - Psygnosis (1990) | Here's another one I liked.
I seem to remember I gave up on this after becoming trapped in a pit which I could never get out of.
Graham7 19th Apr 2016 | | Video GameMicro Machines - Codemasters (1993) | Box lost for this, but I'm sure it's similar to the Mega Drive version.
I really liked this, but my interest waned as my driving skills weren't up to actually staying on the table for long.