| whitewhale1965
Let's make it Better! Member since Jun 2012 12170 Points | Some members may know that I have been lending a hand with populating the Classical World with items from all other Worlds. Items that absolutely MUST exist in their proper Worlds, but also qualify as Classical material. You want to help out? We're happy to have you! There are 2 main things I'd like to point out.
1: It is not a good idea to click the I OWN IT option on any page in Classical World when you already OWN it in another World. This is because you'll then own 2 identical items. And then your collection numbers are skewed - if you care. If Classical is your thing, then only own your items in Classical World. I've been using the SEE ALSO option (bottom of every page) to link to the same items in Classical World. This should be more than sufficient for most members. I know I'm forgetting something, but this blurb covers most of what you need to know about that.
2: Members are adding to Classical World and skipping the proper Original Worlds altogether. This causes me so much stress, because I know that those items will have to be copied from Classical to the other Worlds where they originally belonged. Who's gonna volunteer for that? Let's face it, CDs ALL belong in CD World. LPs, 45s, tapes go in The Original Worlds - all of them! I see the Classical additions piling up every single day, and it's awesome for Classical World, but, to the detriment of this entire website. I already understand just how many Classical items are strewn throughout the Worlds (needing to be copied). It's literally mind-boggling. I have no remedy for what is happening. Hopefully, the power of the many minds of our membership will come up with some solutions — if indeed these are considered problems or are just dark clouds in my mind alone.