If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3774 Points Moderator
Still Grinning
Little overwhelmed by suddenly having loads of vinyl to listen to...
Todays menu is Rolling Stones I think.
Just listened to Let it Bleed. My original stereo copy bought a while back for a fiver because it has some surface marks... I bought my SACD version of this in 2003 so that even if I got a record player in the future, I wouldn't have to keep going to the vinyl. I went to HMV for a cheap standard CD copy, and was a little put out when all they had was this digipak for £15! I mumbled all the way home, and complained to a friend, who then informed me that it was an SACD, and what that was.
He had an SACD player at the time (briefly) so I Took my new copy to his place and was lucky enough to have heard Let it Bleed In SACD.
I have to say though, For the most part, the vinyl adds something to it.. like it's being played in it's natural state, where the music is suited to the format... The opening of Gimme Shelter gets you going as it is, but with a little crackle it's even more effective at making the hairs stand on end. Midnight Rambler, and especially You Got The Silver sound more at home here (The later sounds more like some old blues track on vinyl) and You Can't Always Get What You Want sounds more unified on vinyl (Too clean on CD, like the Choral work is "detached", or a separate entity from the band playing the song... here it feels part of the song)
The Only track that I'd Say really gets the benefit of CD, and sounds better on that as a result (Particularly SACD), is Monkey Man... The best song the Stones ever did in my opinion (Which is saying something, even when you consider the other tracks on this album!)... the bit after Mick sings: "I'm a Monkeeaaaaaaay MaAy-en!", and Keith does that thing with the guitar where he drops right to the end of the fret board is just magic, and on SACD it's like he's scraping a grinder over your head (Only rivalled for me by a couple of moments in Led Zeppelin: The Wanton Song after the break).
I keep looking at Exile on Main Street, and am quite petrified of putting Satanic Majesties on the turntable... spose I'll have to build up to that!
Lend me ten pounds and I'll buy you a drink. Member since Feb 2012 7281 Points Moderator
We took some stuff to a local charity shop on Saturday (not records).
On arrival we headed straight for the well-stocked vinyl racks. Imagine my surprise when at the front of one of the boxes were two Topic LPs and another one on Leader (complete with booklet!). Naturally I grabbed them immediately. Price - three for a quid. I was already very happy.
We then started trawling through the rest of the boxes and found some other (less interesting) LPs to take our haul to six, for £2.
Bear with me.
Then my partner spotted a box of sheet music and old music books and being a musician started picking a few out for possible purchase.
At this point the manager of the shop came over.
"As the weekend manager," he said, "If you want some records and books, just take them."
"Sorry?" I said, confused.
"Well, since you've donated, you don't need to pay, just walk out with them."
I had a moment of hesitation when I wondered if I should insist on paying... then politely thanked him and agreed not to pay.
They weren't overly valuable (and we wouldn't be selling them on anyway, even if they were) and the sleeves are a bit worn (vinyl fine though), but all the same, how happy were we?
If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3774 Points Moderator
Well that's the kind of thing that just makes your day... little bonuses and bargains that the likes of Amazon just don't do...
... If they sent an item you ordered with a freebie and a note on the invoice saying: "We like the cut of your jib, and we had this lying around the warehouse, and all the amazon bods were sittin' round at tea-time and saying to each other how nice it would be for our customers to send them a a little treat now and then... so here you are you absolute superstar"... I'd buy more stuff from them! (Play.Com used to be that way, sending me digipaks and special editions no matter what title I bought (Maybe that's why Amazon squashed them!))
I'd personally forgotten that retail could be that way until revisiting charity shops this summer... while paying a pound a pop for CDs, almost every sixth CD I've bought in these shops has been essentially free, as they've just said that "the fiver will do thanks"...
As a result... I am returning every week and buying from them. Bye- Bye Amazon!
Let's hear it for the Charity Shops... Hazzah!!!!!
If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3774 Points Moderator
... perhaps this site should support an annual/periodic Charity shop day... where we encourage members and visitors to go out one weekend and buy at least one record from a charity shop... even if it's poo.
Probably help them clear stock that's been sitting there for donkey's, pop an extra pound in their pot, and you may even leave with something great, or even valuable, or both!
If only 20% of the users of this site did that, it'd add up to a fair bit extra, I'm sure.
(As a side note, it's shocking to me how deeply people have bought into the MP3 thing... My nearest HMV (The only shop still selling brand new-from-the-factory CDs and records) is in Maidstone... about fifteen miles away!
"Super" markets only sell a very small amount of chart stuff, which is universally underwear scrapings...and that just leaves Amazon, which is now like the wild west.- is what you have, or want priceless, or valueless? Answer: Apparently both. It's like Schroedinger's economy... the cat is either dead, alive, or both, the only way to know is make a purchase, and then.... oh, it's dead.)
Lend me ten pounds and I'll buy you a drink. Member since Feb 2012 7281 Points Moderator
Magic Marmalade wrote:
... perhaps this site should support an annual/periodic Charity shop day... where we encourage members and visitors to go out one weekend and buy at least one record from a charity shop... even if it's poo.
Probably help them clear stock that's been sitting there for donkey's, pop an extra pound in their pot, and you may even leave with something great, or even valuable, or both!
If only 20% of the users of this site did that, it'd add up to a fair bit extra, I'm sure.
(As a side note, it's shocking to me how deeply people have bought into the MP3 thing... My nearest HMV (The only shop still selling brand new-from-the-factory CDs and records) is in Maidstone... about fifteen miles away!
"Super" markets only sell a very small amount of chart stuff, which is universally underwear scrapings...and that just leaves Amazon, which is now like the wild west.- is what you have, or want priceless, or valueless? Answer: Apparently both. It's like Schroedinger's economy... the cat is either dead, alive, or both, the only way to know is make a purchase, and then.... oh, it's dead.)
Very Good Plus have done an annual Charity Shop Challenge though last year it didn't really happen.
We could do something along those lines. I'd be up for that.
If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3774 Points Moderator
I've Got twenty quid to hand for the purpose, which I intend to spend on Friday or Saturday in the Cheriddy Shops.
I've latched onto the cult of NOW! (That's What I call Music) CD albums... terrific cash cow item. Find a few regularly in the cherridies: Strong collectors market, the music has mass/broad appeal, and they sell...
.. seems the first twenty are worth buying when you see them (4 (You should be so lucky!), 8, 9, 10-19)).
On a different note:
..I take it all back about the boot -fair vinyl market, had a terrifically satisfying day at a boot-fair yesterday. I had all but given up on vinyl, and so went with the intention of buying loads of digipack CDs; As last time I went to get vinyl, only one box of albums in the whole fair... but truck loads of CDs. However... curiously, this time was the exact opposite:
Loads of vinyl, but slim pickings on the CD front (Nothing I was after anyway),
No spectacular finds as far as rarity or anything, but I got a few items that I like, and hadn't thought I'd be able to get outside a record dealer's shop:
Kate Bush: The Kick Inside (Original LP, Mint) (50p)
Queen: A Day At The Races, and: Jazz (Both Excellent) (£1 each... Won't grumble)
Peter Gabriel: (Third Album)
Gerry Rafferty: City To City
Wings: At The Speed Of Sound
...These three 20p each, and in excellent condition
Genesis: Wind and Wuthering (Turned Out to be German Copy, and but for a slight abrasion on the front cover top right... All but Mint) (50p)
And Took a punt on an Elvis Album: Blue Hawaii (£1) (Not really that knowledgeable on his albums, but I don't (Didn't) own anything by him, so could overlook the slightly tatty cover)
So armful of records for under a fiver!
(immensely happy about having Kate Bush and Rafferty albums on vinyl at last!)
So stoked. Picked this up in a lot I bought from some guy out of his storage. I actually didn;t even look at it when I initially purchased it. I just put it in the pile with a bunch of other records I was buying at around us$2.50 a piece. Imagine my suprise and delight when I got it home and pulled it out to reveal what it was. Imagine even more of my surprise when I realized this record is not documented anywhere I looked. The other discography site, ebay sold items, popsike/collector frenzy, and two large Pink Floyd discography sites. Not one of them has this promo documented. Pretty cool finde, plus the other stuff I got out of this storage unit was pretty amazing as well. Lots of Floyd, Bob Marley and other goodies. Excellent haul!
If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3774 Points Moderator
Honestly John Davey (..ooh, that sounds like the title of a Bob Dylan song!),
As a Pink Floyder/ Floydie... Floydian (?) (Such a thing as a Floydian Slip?), I've gotten so excited about the new album coming out, but if I'd made this discovery as you have, I'd have popped something in my head!
It's the dream quite frankly, isn't it... not enough to get something like this at auction for a lot of money, but finding it cheap in a rummage, totally unexpectedly is the absolute pinnacle of the collector's experience!
That said, I think Ebay would melt if you listed it there!
Any Pink Floyd fan with tons of cash (sadly not me) would pay several thousand for it I'm sure.
A girl who looks good in vinyl Member since Dec 2012 1544 Points Moderator
A two disk boxed set on the US Vogue 78 RPM picture label of The Hour of Charm All Girl Orchestra of Rhapsody in Blue -- rare cause it is the boxed set with the box and not just the individual disks --- plus it IS an all girl orchestra - and anything all girl is okay in my eyes.
--resisting the urge to say girls rule, boys drool (just joking fellas!)