To ignore is human, to follow is divine. Member since Jul 2014 3084 Points
We have a situation with "The Jets" ... it looks like currently there at least 6 different acts who share this name in the Vinyl Albums discography.
I've just inputted an 1985 U.K. L.P. "Crush On You" by "The Jets" on the MCA. label. This group of MCA Jets were a Minneapolis based family group who did Pop/R&B and who also did "Cross Your Broken Heart" on the Beverly Hills Cop II soundtrack.
"The Jets" who did "Everything I Do" on the Soul Supply L.P. seem to be a '60s Soul vocal act.
"The Jets" who did "I'll Hide My Tears" on the E.M.I. America L.P. seem to be a 1950s vocal group.
"The Jets" who did "Love Makes The World Go Round" are actually the group already here as "Jets" and were an '80s British Pop/Rockabilly act.
"The Jets" who did "Jambalaya" on United Artists seem to be a Swansea, Wales 1960s Rock/Pop band.
"The Jets" who did "Goldfinger" seem to be the Dutch act who did "Pied Piper" and my guess is that they were the same act who appeared on the French "Guitare Rock" L.P. but we would need to get someone who knows something about the Dutch Jets to be able to say yay or nay!!
To ignore is human, to follow is divine. Member since Jul 2014 3084 Points
Can you please link Evelyn King and Evelyn "Champagne" King as they are exactly the same artist (she seemed to drop the champagne for a few years in the early 1980s).
Tell me he's lazy, tell me he's slow Member since Jan 2011 4151 Points Moderator
Looking at the various Jets, I have renamed the MCA group as The Jets [USA] and the Jets on Lightning as The Jets [UK Rockabilly] to match their entries on 45cat (to which they are now linked).
I can't identify the Northern Soul Jets to match a 45cat group, so any help would be appreciated.
Similarly for any remaining 'Jets', can we identify them by reference to 45cat?
I think the same exercise will be needed on CD Albums, if someone could take a look...
To ignore is human, to follow is divine. Member since Jul 2014 3084 Points
JJ ... the "Northern Soul" Jets 45 came out on the "Port" label (Port 3016) in 1966 as per this discography at soulfulkindamusic ...
and can be seen and heard on youtube ....
It looks to have been a one off release by the group on Port and no doubt sold only a small amount of copies, which is probably why it has yet to appear on 45cat.
I see that on 45cat's Port discography .. .. there is a group on Port who have been labelled "The Intrigues [Port]" to distinguish them from other groups of Intrigues so maybe you could do the same with these Jets.
To ignore is human, to follow is divine. Member since Jul 2014 3084 Points
We have another situation arising with Maze (though not as bad as "The Jets").
Looking at the vinyl L.P.s . "Maze featuring Frankie Beverly" are exactly the same group as "Maze" who did "Happy Feelin's" and "Love Is The Key". They were a Late-70s/80s Soul/R&B outfit who were mentored for a while by Marvin Gaye.
The odd one out is the "Maze" who did "I'm So Glad" on the "Sounds Of the Sixties" L.P. (who it seems should properly be called "The Maze" but needless to say the record company didn't print it as that on the record!!) who were a 60s Psychedelic Rock band.
And to complicate things .... "Frankie Beverly and The Butlers" who turn up on a couple of "Northern Soul" L.P.s are essentially the 1960s version of "Maze featuring Frankie Beverly". I see that over at 45cat they have linked them up.