a happy disposition is an omnious sign.... Member since Feb 2010 1712 Points Moderator
The Wonder Who? The Four Lovers, Frankie Tyler, Hal Miller And The Rays
Just had to look those up on 45cat.
The Wonder Who would be an ALIAS of Four Seasons, but the Four Lovers appears to have a line up change? Dunno about the others, busy fellas Valli + Gaudio!
To ignore is human, to follow is divine. Member since Jul 2014 3084 Points
We seem to have two separate acts both called "The Showmen" ..
The Showmen who did this L.P. look to be an Italian group ... http://www.45worlds.com/vinyl/album/psl10436
The Showmen who appear on all the compilation L.P.s with "It Will Stand", "Country Fool", "Our Love Will Grow" etc. were a 60s Soul outfit who had General Johnson (later to join The Chairmen Of The Board) as their lead singer.
Trainman Member since Jun 2014 2559 Points Moderator
Near as I can tell, "Jackie DeShannon" and "Jackie De Shannon" are not linked but should be. Most entries are the former, while the proper name on most of her recordings are the latter.
prob'ly be a good idea to link shangri-las & the-shangri-las under the latter (tape media; haven't yet checked elsewhere). (lps: linked in one direction, but not the other. ho-hum...)
(i'm not convinced that "the-shangrilas" also needs to be linked - that's how they're named on the audio-cassette of the shangri(-)las greatest hits, but i actually entered the item as being by the-shangri-las, as per the printed-paper inlay. this will doubtless horrify some semi-divine being sans mens sano/insano corpore, as being agin' the 45worldsway...)
(- nope, 45worlds has the-shangri-las, the-shangrilas, the-shangrila's, shangrila's, shangri-la's & the-shangri-la's, in various places. i suggest that each world's listing of the one group be unified under their actual name, "the shangri-las" (artist=the-shangri-las), with t'other variations linking (re-directing?) to this.)
not sure if anyone noticed :
Frankie Valli / The Four Seasons / Frankie V + 4 S
all need linking.
I never understood why they say it's Frankie AND the 4 Seasons!! Frankie IS one of the 4 Seasons!! Without him, it's just the 3 Seasons! Some people say, "John Lennon and The Beatles"...John Lennon IS a Beatle!! Diana Ross IS a Supreme!!
- the great society with grace slick with grace slick and the great society (they're still separate - link suggested 4th jan.), with the great society (the band name they gigged using and, iirc, their by-line on their first releases)
- and see also lines linking: grace slick, (the) jefferson airplane, paul kantner & grace slick (their by-line on at least one lp sleeve, for an lp i own), grace slick & paul kantner, jefferson starship. . .
bim: well, it was "the four seasons"/"the 4 seasons"; and "the four seasons featuring the "sound" of frankie valli"; and the odd "frankie valli" thrown in (or out?) for good measure, as it were - and once, "the wonder who?" :-); and, eventually, "frankie valli and the four seasons".
- but the membership of the group changed, over the decades; and arguably the most important two comprised the bobs crewe & gaudio - possibly, the price exacted for not going completely solo by their front man/voice/sound was the recognition and then rise in status to for his credit in the group's name?
- he's unquestionedly recognised as the star, whether "group's front man" or "singer with backing vocalists", now.
not sure if anyone noticed :
Frankie Valli / The Four Seasons / Frankie V + 4 S
all need linking.
I never understood why they say it's Frankie AND the 4 Seasons!! Frankie IS one of the 4 Seasons!!
Name given by their manager I think, it was because <individual name> + <groupname> on touring bills looked better and more important. Wasn't the groupname for them because they played at the Four Seasons Hotel rather than counting the number in the band. (Seasons: Salt, Mustard, Vinegar, Pepper ?)