I would like to upload scans at 600 x 600 pixels, but whenever I try, I get an error message telling me that it's too large, but this site is supposed to accept 800 x 800. The site will not allow me to upload anything larger than 400 x 400, an even then, I occasionally get the same error message. What's up with that?
So many questions, so few answers Member since Nov 2010 886 Points Moderator
I’ve been getting the same thing, after editing an 700x700 image, I have to then reduce it to 600x600, I assume that the image sizing had been changed since the earlier ones.
I'm no expert but I think there is something about the size which isn't the same as the number of pixels. You can have an image which is big in dimensions but not over the pixel limit, if you get me.
If you have Paint on your PC, what I do with problem images is open in Paint. If the image is way too big to be seen in full in Paint, it can be reduced to 50% dimensions. Once it more or less fits on the PCN screen in Paint, it's OK.
I advise you experiment a bit first before playing around with your scans, if you are going to try this - just in case!
Turning rebellion into money since 1962 Member since Nov 2009 6578 Points Moderator
The site accepts images upto 800x800 but the image size must be below 250kb. The guide to submitting images can be found here and this will walk you through the best method.
It sounds like it is the image file size that is causing you problems rather than the image pixel size.
Obviously, the more detail in an image the higher the size. If an 800x800 image is over 250kb., you must decrease your image dimensions OR use a lower grade setting.
Maximum or Very High, maybe the problem... by doing this you'll lower the kilabytes.
I use Adobe Photoshop accessing my flatbed scanner through the program, rather than using the scanner software.
As others have said, this is almost certainly to do with the file size of the image. The maximum in 250KB, but images around 100-150KB are what you should be aiming for.
Trying to figure out how to resize an image to 700 x 700 but keep it under 235 KB. I am using a program called Photo Explosion Image Editor. In the image section, it can resize an image by pixels, percent, inches, centimetres, points and percent, but not by KB.
Trying to figure out how to resize an image to 700 x 700 but keep it under 235 KB. I am using a program called Photo Explosion Image Editor. In the image section, it can resize an image by pixels, percent, inches, centimetres, points and percent, but not by KB.
It's not when you resize it. The image might still be a large file size then. It's when you save it as a JPG that the file size is reduced. There will be an option somewhere to set the JPG quality. If you set it at 7/10 or 70%, then the file size will be small enough.
Trying to figure out how to resize an image to 700 x 700 but keep it under 235 KB. I am using a program called Photo Explosion Image Editor. In the image section, it can resize an image by pixels, percent, inches, centimetres, points and percent, but not by KB.
Do you have Paint on your computer? Just open with Paint, use "re-size image" and reduce it so it physically fits your screen. Save as Jpeg.
a happy disposition is an omnious sign.... Member since Feb 2010 1712 Points Moderator
This is to do with Resolution, basically DPI [dots per inch] most of my scans are uploaded at 800x800 pixels at a RES of 72dpi, when I take the photo with my phone or 800x800px with a RES of 300dpi if I scan them via printer.
Any higher than 300dpi will make your scan heavy in KB [kilobytes] this is a translation of the amount of binary information in a file.
Check your resolution preset for scanners first and set to no more than 300.
When saving as a jpg - quality only needs to be about 75% and you will still have a decent image.
You can check your jpgs size and res. in windows by right clicking the file and going to properties> Details.
I tried programs for resizing my photo files such as Photo Explosion which will resize the photo, but the KB size is usually too large. I also tried a couple of other programs before finding success with Microsoft Picture Manager. I can resize a photo to 800 x 800 with a resolution of 200 KB or lower.
Lend me ten pounds and I'll buy you a drink. Member since Feb 2012 7283 Points Moderator
dvdmike wrote:
I tried programs for resizing my photo files such as Photo Explosion which will resize the photo, but the KB size is usually too large. I also tried a couple of other programs before finding success with Microsoft Picture Manager. I can resize a photo to 800 x 800 with a resolution of 200 KB or lower.[/quote