I just don't understand this, All the worlds we have so far relate to the format, but now we have one that is specific to a genre, What next ? folk world, reggae world, bagpipe world ?!!!.
to me music is either good or bad, I can listen to a nocturne next to a Motorhead track, and are we to have divisions within the classical world? How would Bach sit with Ligeti? Sorry but I think this is a world too far.
I wanna eat an artichoke once in a while Member since Feb 2008 25453 Points Administrator
There are no plans to introduce worlds for other genres or sub sections.
The problem was that classical releases are so different from rock/pop/soul/reggae artist releases that they didn't really fit into the simple template we use across the various worlds.
This is a chance for classical fans to go into things in more detail. Soloists etc. etc.
If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3773 Points Moderator
Perhaps this is an over-generalisation, but I at least have always had the impression that the "Classical world" has a very distinct, and separate group of enthusiasts, who are well into their classics and their performances, but who aren't really concerned with the format, except in that one may offer a particular clarity over another type...
whereas we, the hoi-palloi enjoy music from different genres all of which are largely headed under the term "popular culture" (Typically anything post-war (I or II (?)), and that people who generally enjoy this latter will typically have tastes which crossover into other areas, and like me, may dabble in classical music for particular pieces, but are not "all in" for classics for the sake of them being classical in point of principle...
Also, Classical music mostly pre-dates any recording technology, and so the appeal tends to be almost exclusively for the music alone (At the very least, principally), whereas the actual physical object, that is, the technology (78s, vinyl, cassette CD, MP3) is held by many to be synonymous with the progression of the music itself in terms of it's cultural significance in defining popular culture and therefore as much a part of the experience and enthusiasm.
And for these reasons can see the point, in that we "dabblers" are perhaps not best qualified to bring the majority of Classical recordings to the site... for that, you need some genuine Classical bods to bring their collections here... but they may generally avoid a site that is generally a popular culture site... so having their own world is probably beneficial to all, and a more accurate representation of the way things are in real life.
... just an opinion based on my own impression though.
A girl who looks good in vinyl Member since Dec 2012 1544 Points Moderator
I understand Magic Marmalade's comments.
Classical music tends to be focused on particular pieces that are done by a variety of performers over the decades. In other words, one is more interested in looking for instances of performances of, say Beethoven's 5th with the symphony orchestra being secondary, as opposed to finding all of records by, say The Jam. -- normally one doesn't try to find every recording every done of The Eton Rifles. In fact in the pop world, we don't normally try to say, give me everything composed by Lennon and McCartney, but in the classical world we look for everything composed by Mozart.
While certain performances by particular symphony orchestras may be singularly stellar, for the most part your average punter who wants to hear the Warsaw Concerto doesn't care if its the Berlin Philharmonic or the Milwaukee Wisconsin Symphony Orchestra.
I genuinely believe that Classical World will be a fantastic resource. Nothing like it has ever been done. Same with 78 World - it's not my area, but it's a great thing to create.
Trainman Member since Jun 2014 2559 Points Moderator
Jock_Girl wrote:
While certain performances by particular symphony orchestras may be singularly stellar, for the most part your average punter who wants to hear the Warsaw Concerto doesn't care if its the Berlin Philharmonic or the Milwaukee Wisconsin Symphony Orchestra.
Just my thoughts
Just for that remark I uploaded an album by the Milwaukee Symphony <G>
I like the idea, as it makes Classical & Orchestral material easier to find.
That said, the Reggae World idea sounds like something else I'd like. There are a lot of places to search for label scans of the Jamaican records, but none that have much in the way of viewer participation.
At first I'd thought 'Magazine World'..Why?? That was before I browsed it and became addicted.
Each to their own, I guess.
Tell me he's lazy, tell me he's slow Member since Jan 2011 4151 Points Moderator
Magic Marmalade wrote:
Perhaps this is an over-generalisation, but I at least have always had the impression that the "Classical world" has a very distinct, and separate group of enthusiasts, who are well into their classics and their performances, but who aren't really concerned with the format, except in that one may offer a particular clarity over another type...
Exactly so. For those of us who have migrated over from 45cat, this will be the ideal place to upload our classical albums, but our aim is to attract Classical enthusiasts, including classically trained practitioners, to use this as a research tool or to upload their entire collection. The moderators have been discussing the desirability of a separate Classical Forum that those with little or no interest in pop music can feel comfortable in.
It would be nice to see classical 45s still being uploaded to 45cat for the completion of that project. All are welcome then to duplicate their entry in Classical World, but we may find this less important as we start linking artists between this World and 45cat with inter-world links.
Tell me he's lazy, tell me he's slow Member since Jan 2011 4151 Points Moderator
P.S. Inter-World links may become available for all members, but for now you'll have to make a request (Make Correction) on any record by the artist in question and a mod will link them. Also it would be very helpful if you happen to know the 45cat link to include the URL in the request
Lend me ten pounds and I'll buy you a drink. Member since Feb 2012 7279 Points Moderator
I echo that last comment especially!
I think regards the question "why?" it's already been answered on the whole but if you consider the goal of 45Cat and 45Worlds to create a complete record of recorded media, it had become clear that the existing model was not a good fit for the Classical genre. It's a unique field of music in the way it is presented and catalogued, and attempting to shoehorn it into the other Worlds was never going to work effectively because of the need to have a level of detail that no other type of music requires.
Like many on here I am no classical buff (though I do have a meagre collection) but I am really looking forward to seeing the new World grow, and hopefully learning something as it does!
I think it is a fascinating area and I hope the 45Worlds community give it their support.
And to re-iterate, we really could do with a few classical experts/enthusiasts/collectors to join in if anyone knows anyone that fits the bill...
Beware of darkness..err...'expressing an opinion'' Member since Aug 2011 3213 Points
Does this mean that all of us who have added loads of classical releases to 45 Cat over the years will now see the entries transferred to Classical Music? I sincerely hope not. Until /unless banned from doing so, I intend to keep adding such releases to 45 Cat, as I believe, along with some others on this thread, that these 7" discs belong there, catalogued by format, rather than genre.
Also, the new 'genre classification' will inevitably mean that some classical 7" singles/EPs won't also be added to 45 Cat, thus depleting the database and further detracting from the intention to list everything possible.
Now if a 'Sheet Music Cat' was in the pipeline.....
I wanna eat an artichoke once in a while Member since Feb 2008 25453 Points Administrator
Ade Macrow wrote:
Does this mean that all of us who have added loads of classical releases to 45 Cat over the years will now see the entries transferred to Classical Music? I.
Tell me he's lazy, tell me he's slow Member since Jan 2011 4151 Points Moderator
Nothing will be transferred to Classical World. Please keep adding classical 45s to 45cat, and if you like add/copy them to Classical World.
We are working hard on links from classical artists to 45cat - see for example The London Symphony Orchestra