I've recently uploaded some Hendrix CD's,(up to about 50 now),and just realised that you are listing them in chronological order,which,is OK now,but what about when say,artists like Pink Floyd,and the Stones have the bulk of thier albums uploaded,they will be in the thousands??.Surely it would be better to have the Countries option (as in Vinyl World) as the first screen,thereby making initial navigation a lot easier??.
PS. If this has already been discussed,please excuse.
It's been discussed, but no problem. Basically, separating by country was causing a lot of arguments, because people couldn't agree which country to assign to each CD. By having a flat chronological list, the county isn't so important, and that helped a lot. But we're going to revisit how CD Albums are presented once the number of CDs is higher.
I wanna eat an artichoke once in a while Member since Feb 2008 25474 Points Administrator
At this stage we're concentrating on growing the database but in the future when we have 100s of variants we'll be looking at a way of displaying a truncated discography (with a further option to view all) which picks out the primary issues of each album.
We'll be working on how that is done once we have a fuller database to play with (for 95% of artists it probably won't be needed but obviously for the big guns....)