Rock, Country or R. & B. - Classic Hits for me! Member since Dec 2014 252 Points
Like I said earlier, I make my own CDs, these are usually compiled from tracks I've processed into MP3 files and stored n various folders, both on the internal hard-drive in my computer and an external hard-drive connected via USB port. The content is sourced from LP tracks(sometimes an entire album), 45rpm singles or EP tracks, tape cassettes or other CDs, all thrown together into various folders, waiting for me to pick from them to make up a compilation for myself or a friend, BUT NOT TO BE SOLD PUBLICLY!
Rock, Country or R. & B. - Classic Hits for me! Member since Dec 2014 252 Points
I look at things this way: The development of technology in reproducing audio came to the end of the "necessary" stage of its evolution with the advent of the compact disc. The development of video, from optical film to the SD-card-based video camera and playback from projector to DVD then Blu-ray disc is the end of "necessary evolution in that field. Radio broadcasting reached its logical end-point, development-wise when stereo FM came along, and that was years ago, Digital broadcasting is a step too far! The same can be said for digital TV and that one's been rammed down our throats! All these developments we've been prepared to embrace, up to a point, but that point has been reached. These developments are driven by "boffins", who create whiz-bang tech gadgets that they know how to use and how they work, but the end user is left to nut this out for him/herself. Did we REALLY need this further development? Not really! Should we evolve this technology still further? NO, WE BLOODY-WELL SHOUD NOT!
Rock, Country or R. & B. - Classic Hits for me! Member since Dec 2014 252 Points
Pridesale wrote:
Home made CDs best make a list of them rather than a database entry.
Problem when entries are from different worlds or other cats?
Come to think of it... best not to put my home-burned CDs up here! Original copyrights still apply to what I've put on my CDs and, in any case, I only make them for myself(an/or a few friends).