In-house specialist in drive-by moddings. Member since Dec 2012 3715 Points Moderator
Magic Marmalade, 26 Jan 2015:
"Just been reading your conversation (nosey eh?), and looked at the cover scan, and noticed something strange looking myself, it looks like the two cars further up the road (The Blue one and the white van) are driving on the wrong side of the road!
In blighty we drive on the left, but these two appear to be driving on the right.
The back of the white van on the right, and the front of the blue one on the left (Meaning they are both on the right."
In-house specialist in drive-by moddings. Member since Dec 2012 3715 Points Moderator
Neil Forbes, 26 Jan 2015:
"MM, do you remember the early episodes of "The Bill"? You see the police car in the opening credit sequence, coming along the left lane, but pulls across to the right side of the street to park - FACING ON-COMING TRAFFIC! Geez! If you did that in Australia the cops here would come down on you like a ton of bricks! While I think of it, I guess Record Collector may have let my joke about Ringo, Baked Beans and a bath slip through to the goalkeeper."
In-house specialist in drive-by moddings. Member since Dec 2012 3715 Points Moderator
Neil Forbes, 26 Jan 2015:
"Actually, using the close-up, I'm guessing that's a Bedford van that R.C. picked as a police vehicle, and that's the front of it we're seeing because the headlights and radiator grille are showing, not the tail-lights and rear doors."
In-house specialist in drive-by moddings. Member since Dec 2012 3715 Points Moderator
Magic Marmalade, 26 Jan 2015:
"I mean the two "cars" actually driving in the road, almost at vanishing point, dead centre of the cover... the blue car to our left, and nearer, is facing us, and the white "van" further on still is with it's back to us... both have passed each other earlier than when this photo was taken...
They can't have flipped the image, or people would know from having been there (not to mention the Reg plates would be inverted. "
In-house specialist in drive-by moddings. Member since Dec 2012 3715 Points Moderator
Magic Marmalade, 26 Jan 2015:
" It's these narrow roads Neil, built before cars were invented, when all we had to get around on were cats, promotes the dodgy driving we get over here... especially by the Police, on their way to get a donut at the bakery as soon as they open.
In-house specialist in drive-by moddings. Member since Dec 2012 3715 Points Moderator
Neil Forbes, 26 Jan 2015:
"Part of Magic Marmalade's recent comment read: "when all we had to get around on were cats!" kinda "pussin' things, ay?(you were a victim of those dreaded "keyboard gremlins", MM) I knew you meant "carts" but couldn't resist the urge to use the pun(like I said earlier - I'm a shocker!). The camera lens can't really capture "depth of field" like the human eye can. But from studying the cover, it appears nothing's amiss. The cars you think are wrongly parked look okay to me. Two back on the right, behind R.C.'s police van, I spy a Morris 1100 model of about 1966 vintage, and it's the driver's side headlight I see on that car."
In-house specialist in drive-by moddings. Member since Dec 2012 3715 Points Moderator
Neil Forbes, 26 Jan 2015:
"Magic Marmalade, please tell me! You weren't a TV comedy writer in a past life, were you? Your comments are cracking me up! Probably puts a whole new slant on the old Esso petrol ads - Tiger in the tank and all that....!"
In-house specialist in drive-by moddings. Member since Dec 2012 3715 Points Moderator
Magic Marmalade, 26 Jan 2015:
"Why do you think dogs don't like cats?
We replaced the one with the other for a while in our affections (The Dog's Betrayal, by Smithwick Crepes-Hustington explains all) in order to subjugate these arrogant, fancy free-loaders, but it didn't work out, and there has been mistrust ever since between all three parties... especially after "the great cat rebellion of 1926" (Carnage... I can't talk about it! (weeps),"
In-house specialist in drive-by moddings. Member since Dec 2012 3715 Points Moderator
Neil Forbes, 26 Jan 2015:
"Magic Marmalade - YOU WERE A TV COMEDY WRITER IN A PAST LIFE! And a successful one too by these tales of saddled cats and cat rebellions... I'm breakin' up here! Mind you I think some dogs have entered the legal profession, explains the "ruff" justice some get when they face court.(see, you've even got me doing it now!)"
In-house specialist in drive-by moddings. Member since Dec 2012 3715 Points Moderator
Magic Marmalade, 26 Jan 2015:
"Actually it wasn't just the saddles that casued the great furry strife, it was when we all started insisting on going about in full suits of armour to joust with Badger mounted mice.... this, it seems, was the final insult."
In-house specialist in drive-by moddings. Member since Dec 2012 3715 Points Moderator
Magic Marmalade, 26 Jan 2015:
"Also, what this cover photo cannot reveal, is the five mile tail-back directly behind the photgrapher, horns furiously blazing, fists waving out the car windows with expletives aplenty: "Get outta feckin' road ya hippies!!!"... "You've been walking back and forth across the bloomin road for three hours now.... ENOUGH!" etc.
You can just about detect George's pained embarrassment as he tries desperately to seem like he is not aware of it, While John's getting a bit of a wiggle on; he just doesn't want to be there anyway, thinking: "The White suit seemed like such a good Idea this morning!"
As For Paul, who just doesn't care what people think of him, he's already got Hey Jude in mind, painfully long and sacharine renditions of which he knows he's going to be living off for the rest of his career, he's happy to follow Ringo's suit and make a pronounced, defiant stride of it, although Ringo's motives are not as elevated as Paul's: "I'm not listening, I paid me bloody taxes for this Zebra crossing, and by god I'm Going to get me money's worth!".
Question is: where are they going?
There's only a traffic island with a monument on it in the immediate vicinity... no pubs that I could see."
In-house specialist in drive-by moddings. Member since Dec 2012 3715 Points Moderator
Magic Marmalade, 27 Jan 2015:
"Looking at the composition of the shot, the Big patch of tapering blue sky points directly down at Paul, who has a very small car on his head... and his cigarette points straight down to the road. So this picture is telling us that Paul, The Beatle, would have been 28 years old if a tiny car hadn't fallen out a passing cargo plane, right on his head, and squashed him flat right on that spot he indicates with the ciggy."
In-house specialist in drive-by moddings. Member since Dec 2012 3715 Points Moderator
TopPopper, 27 Jan 2015:
"There is a car on McCartney's head, and if you look, his head appears to have a large split in it where his hair parts. These "clues" are seldom commented on. Another one which has been missed is that here we have what appears to be a mid-1960s Paul, whereas his colleagues are very much late-era - beards and more stylish clothing. Macca still looks like he's trapped in Beatlemania days.
In-house specialist in drive-by moddings. Member since Dec 2012 3715 Points Moderator
Neil Forbes, 27 Jan 2015:
"That car, the one about three or so car-lengths in front of the VW "beetle", appears to be on Paul's head, but that's down to two-dimensional photography. Just as well it isn't on his head because it'd give him the mother, father and little baby brother of all headaches! And isn't it funny how a VW "beetle" should be in the same shot as The Beatles?"