a happy disposition is an omnious sign.... Member since Feb 2010 1712 Points Moderator
I have just noticed that if you click on an artist in CD albums, the page goes to the list of cd albums but doesnt split into countries like it would in:
[vinyl] ALBUMS/ 78 rpm/ CD singles/ tape media/
the other categories are probably irrelevent apart from LIVE GIGs where the country split would be useful as well.
I have just noticed that if you click on an artist in CD albums, the page goes to the list of cd albums but doesnt split into countries like it would in:
[vinyl] ALBUMS/ 78 rpm/ CD singles/ tape media/
the other categories are probably irrelevent apart from LIVE GIGs where the country split would be useful as well.
If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3774 Points Moderator
I've tried entering the 3rd disc of a box set three times today, and I'm just about worn out with it now (I did submit a request to enter the third disc as a correction after the second attempt, but will be happy to give it a go tomorrow when I have the energy).
also, I couldn't get the images to upload... a problem another user was having earlier with a Blur CD.
I've tried entering the 3rd disc of a box set three times today, and I'm just about worn out with it now (I did submit a request to enter the third disc as a correction after the second attempt, but will be happy to give it a go tomorrow when I have the energy).
also, I couldn't get the images to upload... a problem another user was having earlier with a Blur CD.
Sorry to hear that, what is the error messages you have been getting?
If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3774 Points Moderator
A couple of times when uploading images it gave me a server error message, and once it just hung and didn't do anything, so I stopped it.
The tracks for the 3rd disc I entered it just went to the disc page without giving me the usual message that missing info was added, and they hadn't gone through.
I now think the last image upload failure could be my end (the internet explorer on the desktop screen for windows 8.1 is a different one from the one on the start screen... and much more unstable, but I use it because it's not a touch screen designed one, but usually have to end up using the start screen one anyway -piggin' thing!!!).
anyway, I'll keep going until it sticks... or my computer is left in a pile of broken circuitry and plastic pieces.