on a warm Saturday in June I found my best bargain ever. It was on a car boot sale in Pelsall, I found a Elvis Presley 10" album French pressing from 1963 original. It's known to Elvis fans as the raincoat sleeve. It plays almost perfect no scratch marks on record just a few creases on the sleeve,all this for £3.00 yes £3.00. So there is bargains to be had happy hunting.
If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3774 Points Moderator
Well I got a little excitable yesterday about my Doors purchase (Still grinning like a cheshire cat )
Especially as I got that and the Simon and Garfunkel from the same box... both for a pound.
But I think there's a danger of getting fixated on the "big find", because it makes me overlook the other bargains you get from time to time...
Last year I got most 3 or 4 of the early Hendrix track singles along with two Cream Reaction singles from one box... which allows me to get some mono recordings of a few of these songs, which would otherwise mean having to spend hundreds for the mono albums they came from (I'm going a bit mono these days!)
But let's not forget the CDs here.... I've found a fair few digis and boxes that are begining to achieve to real collectability: Nine Inch Nails: And All That Could Have Been box, LCD Soundsystem 2 cd, and so on.
(I've noticed the earlier Now That's What I Call Music! CDs are becoming particualrly hard to find now, where only last year there were plenty about).
A girl who looks good in vinyl Member since Dec 2012 1544 Points Moderator
Two for me ..
One was a Decca (Canada) 78 of I Met Him on a Sunday by the Shirelles Decca 30588. It went for about US$15 / £10 .. when it seems to regularly go for 4 times that.Seems only reason was a small edge chip that did not affect play.
Second is the 78 of Autumn Melody/ Rose Rose I Love you by Yao Lee on Indian Pathe for China (Pathe 35500. Got it for 25 cents at the local Sally Ann's -- its gone for over US$400 on eBay
Rock, Country or R. & B. - Classic Hits for me! Member since Dec 2014 252 Points
Jock_Girl wrote:
Two for me ..
One was a Decca (Canada) 78 of I Met Him on a Sunday by the Shirelles Decca 30588. It went for about US$15 / £10 .. when it seems to regularly go for 4 times that.Seems only reason was a small edge chip that did not affect play.
Second is the 78 of Autumn Melody/ Rose Rose I Love you by Yao Lee on Indian Pathe for China (Pathe 35500. Got it for 25 cents at the local Sally Ann's -- its gone for over US$400 on eBay
"I Met Him On A Sunday"(Da-Doo-Ron-Ron) on a 78? how far behind the times was Canada? Here in Australia we in NSW used to joke about the state to our north, Queensland, being 20 years behind the times... but this example puts that one about Queensland in the shade! I know that India was still issuing on 78 well into the 1960s, but Canada.....?
Caddacack oh da ca-caddacack, shy shy skagellack Member since Jun 2010 4192 Points
Neil Forbes wrote:
Jock_Girl wrote:
Two for me ..
One was a Decca (Canada) 78 of I Met Him on a Sunday by the Shirelles Decca 30588. It went for about US$15 / £10 .. when it seems to regularly go for 4 times that.Seems only reason was a small edge chip that did not affect play.
Second is the 78 of Autumn Melody/ Rose Rose I Love you by Yao Lee on Indian Pathe for China (Pathe 35500. Got it for 25 cents at the local Sally Ann's -- its gone for over US$400 on eBay
"I Met Him On A Sunday"(Da-Doo-Ron-Ron) on a 78? how far behind the times was Canada? Here in Australia we in NSW used to joke about the state to our north, Queensland, being 20 years behind the times... but this example puts that one about Queensland in the shade! I know that India was still issuing on 78 well into the 1960s, but Canada.....?
I guess I had a few!
1. About 10 years ago, Jerry was having a HUGE sidewalk sale!! (Where he got all that sidewalk, I'll never know!) He had probably 10 or 20 thousand 45's in boxes on (and under) a set of long tables, maybe 10 tables in all. About 6 feet long each. The records were being sold for 25 cents!! I only got through about 2 tables before it was time for me to go, but I picked a few hundred records! One was an Elephants Memory record on Apple. I'd never heard of it before. I looked them up in the pricing guide when I got home just to see what some of them were actually worth and that one went for $50.00!!
2. Another time I went there I found The Beatles' Christmas Album for $25.00 and 2 copies of "Two Virgins" for $15.00 @. All of them are in NM condition!
3. in late 1980, someone was having a flea market just down the street from where my band was playing. One woman had a small truckload of 78's that she ended up selling me for $60.00! The biggest reason I wanted them was because one was a Glenn Miller 78 with his autograph on one side!!
4. In the mid `90's, after dropping off my future vex-fiancé off at work, I decided to go check the dumpster at a record distributor a few blocks away, just to see if they were actually throwing out records! I guessed they wouldn't be, but, no harm in checking. That night, I brought home factory condition copies of at least 2000 records!!!! I picked up a few thousand more over the next few months, but, they closed up and moved to the other side of town and started locking their dumpsters!!
5. Summer of `94, I believe it was, I went to the flea market that they have every Sunday 2 blocks from my house during the summer and some woman was there selling a few small boxes of 45's. I didn't have time to go through them, so, I just asked her how much she wanted for all of them. She said $10.00. So, I told her I'd just take them all! I gave her the money and she said she had more at her house on the hill across the river and included them in the deal! I took the few hundred she had right there and then went to her place a day or two later and she unloaded another 4 or 500 records on me!! All but a small handful of 78's were 45's, mostly soul stuff from the `70's!! I was on my way to my future ex-fiancé's and wasn't expecting to get more than another few dozen, so, as I was going on a bus, the woman's hubby offered to take me to my g/f's place in his car with all the records!! He charged me another $5.00 for the ride! Lol. I WASN'T complaining!!
6. Back in the mid `70's, we went to visit some friends, my family & I. I was in my teens. So were their kids. Someone had given their kids a huge stack of 45's, all brand new and all promos!! (One that sticks out in my head was two edits from Jethro Tull's "A Passion Play", another was, "Fazon", by The Sopwith Camel.) We were there for a few hours and I spent part of my time sifting through the records. None of those 4 kids was much into records, so they just said I could have them!! So, I ended up taking home about 300 records!! It was about at least a 2 foot high stack of 45's!!
Rock, Country or R. & B. - Classic Hits for me! Member since Dec 2014 252 Points
@Break-In Master, I worry about you going to "flea markets", you may come out with an uncontrollable urge to scratch! By the way, just how much to fleas cost?
@Break-In Master, I worry about you going to "flea markets", you may come out with an uncontrollable urge to scratch! By the way, just how much to fleas cost?
Don't worry, I try never to scratch records!!
I'm not sure what you'd call them, I don't think it'd be a boot sale. A flea market is where a bunch of people with some of their stuff to sell, mostly stuff they don't want anymore and are willing to let it go pretty cheaply, gather together in a single location and sell their wares to anybody that happens by and is interested. Nobody actually sells fleas. There's too many dogs that are MORE than willing to GIVE them away!!
If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3774 Points Moderator
Turns out I may have had an even better day on Sunday than first thought....
...just got round to having a look at some of the 45s I grabbed, and recording them, all great tunes, so I'm already up in that sense!
... got Hawkwind: Urban Guerrilla, Uriah Heep: Stealin', The Move: California Man, Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick And Tich: Hideaway, and a couple of digipak CDs: Yes: Close to The edge (will enter this today), and Arctic Monkeys: Whatever....
But the one which prove the bargain of the day was the Status Quo Pye single: Tune To The Music... I'd never seen quo on Pye before, and thought: "Hmmm... that looks interesting", so grabbed it. Great tune, and B-side, and turns out pretty rare single.... but what's more it's got a solid centre, which I can't find another one like it on the net (scans on 45cat).
Rock, Country or R. & B. - Classic Hits for me! Member since Dec 2014 252 Points
Break-In Master wrote:
Neil Forbes wrote:
@Break-In Master, I worry about you going to "flea markets", you may come out with an uncontrollable urge to scratch! By the way, just how much to fleas cost?
Don't worry, I try never to scratch records!!
I'm not sure what you'd call them, I don't think it'd be a boot sale. A flea market is where a bunch of people with some of their stuff to sell, mostly stuff they don't want anymore and are willing to let it go pretty cheaply, gather together in a single location and sell their wares to anybody that happens by and is interested. Nobody actually sells fleas. There's too many dogs that are MORE than willing to GIVE them away!!
We call 'em Garage Sales here! Stalls set up in someone's garage(carport), flogging off records, bits of electrical gear, toys, furniture... etc. either just to clear the clutter or because they might be moving and don't want to take all that "stuff" with them. Similar idea to your British Boot Sales, really(though how many boots get sold, I've no idea)
Rock, Country or R. & B. - Classic Hits for me! Member since Dec 2014 252 Points
Magic Marmalade wrote:
Turns out I may have had an even better day on Sunday than first thought....
...just got round to having a look at some of the 45s I grabbed, and recording them, all great tunes, so I'm already up in that sense!
... got Hawkwind: Urban Guerrilla, Uriah Heep: Stealin', The Move: California Man, Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick And Tich: Hideaway, and a couple of digipak CDs: Yes: Close to The edge (will enter this today), and Arctic Monkeys: Whatever....
But the one which prove the bargain of the day was the Status Quo Pye single: Tune To The Music... I'd never seen quo on Pye before, and thought: "Hmmm... that looks interesting", so grabbed it. Great tune, and B-side, and turns out pretty rare single.... but what's more it's got a solid centre, which I can't find another one like it on the net (scans on 45cat).
So all in all, a great day, and feelin' groovy!
Status Quo on PYE? "Ice In The Sun"(1968), "Pictures Of Matchstick Men"(1967/8) and "Down The Dustpipe"(1970) spring to mind - but I hold this group in utter contempt these days as they've prostituted themselves by redoing their song "Down Down" for an Australian supermarket chain.... Down, Down, prices are down....EEEEEuuuugggghhhh!!!!
@Break-In Master, I worry about you going to "flea markets", you may come out with an uncontrollable urge to scratch! By the way, just how much to fleas cost?
Don't worry, I try never to scratch records!!
I'm not sure what you'd call them, I don't think it'd be a boot sale. A flea market is where a bunch of people with some of their stuff to sell, mostly stuff they don't want anymore and are willing to let it go pretty cheaply, gather together in a single location and sell their wares to anybody that happens by and is interested. Nobody actually sells fleas. There's too many dogs that are MORE than willing to GIVE them away!!
We call 'em Garage Sales here! Stalls set up in someone's garage(carport), flogging off records, bits of electrical gear, toys, furniture... etc. either just to clear the clutter or because they might be moving and don't want to take all that "stuff" with them. Similar idea to your British Boot Sales, really(though how many boots get sold, I've no idea)
Yeah, we have garage sales and yard sales here, too, but that usually just means one persons things up for sale. The flea market allows a lot of people with stuff to sell to gather together in one place to sell their stuff. The local one is held in a parking lot (car park) and each slot in the car park is rented by a single seller for the $5.00 for the length of that day's sale. As it's a community parking lot owned by the borough, the borough gets the money to put towards things they need for the town.
Rock, Country or R. & B. - Classic Hits for me! Member since Dec 2014 252 Points
Break-In Master wrote:
Neil Forbes wrote:
Break-In Master wrote:
Neil Forbes wrote:
@Break-In Master, I worry about you going to "flea markets", you may come out with an uncontrollable urge to scratch! By the way, just how much to fleas cost?
Don't worry, I try never to scratch records!!
I'm not sure what you'd call them, I don't think it'd be a boot sale. A flea market is where a bunch of people with some of their stuff to sell, mostly stuff they don't want anymore and are willing to let it go pretty cheaply, gather together in a single location and sell their wares to anybody that happens by and is interested. Nobody actually sells fleas. There's too many dogs that are MORE than willing to GIVE them away!!
We call 'em Garage Sales here! Stalls set up in someone's garage(carport), flogging off records, bits of electrical gear, toys, furniture... etc. either just to clear the clutter or because they might be moving and don't want to take all that "stuff" with them. Similar idea to your British Boot Sales, really(though how many boots get sold, I've no idea)
Yeah, we have garage sales and yard sales here, too, but that usually just means one persons things up for sale. The flea market allows a lot of people with stuff to sell to gather together in one place to sell their stuff. The local one is held in a parking lot (car park) and each slot in the car park is rented by a single seller for the $5.00 for the length of that day's sale. As it's a community parking lot owned by the borough, the borough gets the money to put towards things they need for the town.
Sounds good! More power to ya! Come to think of it, these events do happen here but occasionally they're held indoors in large(cavernous) auditoria or indoor sporting venues, A table set up, piled with goodies(?) to flog (?= depends on a buyer's view of the merchandise).
@Break-In Master, I worry about you going to "flea markets", you may come out with an uncontrollable urge to scratch! By the way, just how much to fleas cost?
Don't worry, I try never to scratch records!!
I'm not sure what you'd call them, I don't think it'd be a boot sale. A flea market is where a bunch of people with some of their stuff to sell, mostly stuff they don't want anymore and are willing to let it go pretty cheaply, gather together in a single location and sell their wares to anybody that happens by and is interested. Nobody actually sells fleas. There's too many dogs that are MORE than willing to GIVE them away!!
We call 'em Garage Sales here! Stalls set up in someone's garage(carport), flogging off records, bits of electrical gear, toys, furniture... etc. either just to clear the clutter or because they might be moving and don't want to take all that "stuff" with them. Similar idea to your British Boot Sales, really(though how many boots get sold, I've no idea)
Yeah, we have garage sales and yard sales here, too, but that usually just means one persons things up for sale. The flea market allows a lot of people with stuff to sell to gather together in one place to sell their stuff. The local one is held in a parking lot (car park) and each slot in the car park is rented by a single seller for the $5.00 for the length of that day's sale. As it's a community parking lot owned by the borough, the borough gets the money to put towards things they need for the town.
Sounds good! More power to ya! Come to think of it, these events do happen here but occasionally they're held indoors in large(cavernous) auditoria or indoor sporting venues, A table set up, piled with goodies(?) to flog (?= depends on a buyer's view of the merchandise).
Yeah, we have them indoors, too, sometimes.
About once a year, Jerry will have a huge record sale. He'll rent out a huge hall and have dozens of tables of records, a few thousand per table, and they usually got for 25 - 50 cents per 45, maybe a dollar per album. I'm never there long enough to go through everything, so, I'm not sure what the 78's go for, if he sells any at all.
Rock, Country or R. & B. - Classic Hits for me! Member since Dec 2014 252 Points
Break-In Master wrote:
Neil Forbes wrote:
Break-In Master wrote:
Neil Forbes wrote:
Break-In Master wrote:
Neil Forbes wrote:
@Break-In Master, I worry about you going to "flea markets", you may come out with an uncontrollable urge to scratch! By the way, just how much to fleas cost?
Don't worry, I try never to scratch records!!
I'm not sure what you'd call them, I don't think it'd be a boot sale. A flea market is where a bunch of people with some of their stuff to sell, mostly stuff they don't want anymore and are willing to let it go pretty cheaply, gather together in a single location and sell their wares to anybody that happens by and is interested. Nobody actually sells fleas. There's too many dogs that are MORE than willing to GIVE them away!!
We call 'em Garage Sales here! Stalls set up in someone's garage(carport), flogging off records, bits of electrical gear, toys, furniture... etc. either just to clear the clutter or because they might be moving and don't want to take all that "stuff" with them. Similar idea to your British Boot Sales, really(though how many boots get sold, I've no idea)
Yeah, we have garage sales and yard sales here, too, but that usually just means one persons things up for sale. The flea market allows a lot of people with stuff to sell to gather together in one place to sell their stuff. The local one is held in a parking lot (car park) and each slot in the car park is rented by a single seller for the $5.00 for the length of that day's sale. As it's a community parking lot owned by the borough, the borough gets the money to put towards things they need for the town.
Sounds good! More power to ya! Come to think of it, these events do happen here but occasionally they're held indoors in large(cavernous) auditoria or indoor sporting venues, A table set up, piled with goodies(?) to flog (?= depends on a buyer's view of the merchandise).
Yeah, we have them indoors, too, sometimes.
About once a year, Jerry will have a huge record sale. He'll rent out a huge hall and have dozens of tables of records, a few thousand per table, and they usually got for 25 - 50 cents per 45, maybe a dollar per album. I'm never there long enough to go through everything, so, I'm not sure what the 78's go for, if he sells any at all.
A "huge record sale" ay? You'd need an even more huge turntable to play them on! Geez, how heavy would the pick-up arm be? You'd get a hernia trying to lift it!
@Break-In Master, I worry about you going to "flea markets", you may come out with an uncontrollable urge to scratch! By the way, just how much to fleas cost?
Don't worry, I try never to scratch records!!
I'm not sure what you'd call them, I don't think it'd be a boot sale. A flea market is where a bunch of people with some of their stuff to sell, mostly stuff they don't want anymore and are willing to let it go pretty cheaply, gather together in a single location and sell their wares to anybody that happens by and is interested. Nobody actually sells fleas. There's too many dogs that are MORE than willing to GIVE them away!!
We call 'em Garage Sales here! Stalls set up in someone's garage(carport), flogging off records, bits of electrical gear, toys, furniture... etc. either just to clear the clutter or because they might be moving and don't want to take all that "stuff" with them. Similar idea to your British Boot Sales, really(though how many boots get sold, I've no idea)
Yeah, we have garage sales and yard sales here, too, but that usually just means one persons things up for sale. The flea market allows a lot of people with stuff to sell to gather together in one place to sell their stuff. The local one is held in a parking lot (car park) and each slot in the car park is rented by a single seller for the $5.00 for the length of that day's sale. As it's a community parking lot owned by the borough, the borough gets the money to put towards things they need for the town.
Sounds good! More power to ya! Come to think of it, these events do happen here but occasionally they're held indoors in large(cavernous) auditoria or indoor sporting venues, A table set up, piled with goodies(?) to flog (?= depends on a buyer's view of the merchandise).
Yeah, we have them indoors, too, sometimes.
About once a year, Jerry will have a huge record sale. He'll rent out a huge hall and have dozens of tables of records, a few thousand per table, and they usually got for 25 - 50 cents per 45, maybe a dollar per album. I'm never there long enough to go through everything, so, I'm not sure what the 78's go for, if he sells any at all.
A "huge record sale" ay? You'd need an even more huge turntable to play them on! Geez, how heavy would the pick-up arm be? You'd get a hernia trying to lift it!
Rock, Country or R. & B. - Classic Hits for me! Member since Dec 2014 252 Points
Break-In Master wrote:
Neil Forbes wrote:
Break-In Master wrote:
Neil Forbes wrote:
Break-In Master wrote:
Neil Forbes wrote:
Break-In Master wrote:
Neil Forbes wrote:
@Break-In Master, I worry about you going to "flea markets", you may come out with an uncontrollable urge to scratch! By the way, just how much to fleas cost?
Don't worry, I try never to scratch records!!
I'm not sure what you'd call them, I don't think it'd be a boot sale. A flea market is where a bunch of people with some of their stuff to sell, mostly stuff they don't want anymore and are willing to let it go pretty cheaply, gather together in a single location and sell their wares to anybody that happens by and is interested. Nobody actually sells fleas. There's too many dogs that are MORE than willing to GIVE them away!!
We call 'em Garage Sales here! Stalls set up in someone's garage(carport), flogging off records, bits of electrical gear, toys, furniture... etc. either just to clear the clutter or because they might be moving and don't want to take all that "stuff" with them. Similar idea to your British Boot Sales, really(though how many boots get sold, I've no idea)
Yeah, we have garage sales and yard sales here, too, but that usually just means one persons things up for sale. The flea market allows a lot of people with stuff to sell to gather together in one place to sell their stuff. The local one is held in a parking lot (car park) and each slot in the car park is rented by a single seller for the $5.00 for the length of that day's sale. As it's a community parking lot owned by the borough, the borough gets the money to put towards things they need for the town.
Sounds good! More power to ya! Come to think of it, these events do happen here but occasionally they're held indoors in large(cavernous) auditoria or indoor sporting venues, A table set up, piled with goodies(?) to flog (?= depends on a buyer's view of the merchandise).
Yeah, we have them indoors, too, sometimes.
About once a year, Jerry will have a huge record sale. He'll rent out a huge hall and have dozens of tables of records, a few thousand per table, and they usually got for 25 - 50 cents per 45, maybe a dollar per album. I'm never there long enough to go through everything, so, I'm not sure what the 78's go for, if he sells any at all.
A "huge record sale" ay? You'd need an even more huge turntable to play them on! Geez, how heavy would the pick-up arm be? You'd get a hernia trying to lift it!
Yes, he DOES have 16" transcription and V-discs!!
OOOOUUUUCCCCHHHH!!!! - There goes the hernia!
Huge Record Sale: Huge records for sale! 20 foot wide and two foot thick! See the mental picture I'm trying to create here?