@Break-In Master, I worry about you going to "flea markets", you may come out with an uncontrollable urge to scratch! By the way, just how much to fleas cost?
Don't worry, I try never to scratch records!!
I'm not sure what you'd call them, I don't think it'd be a boot sale. A flea market is where a bunch of people with some of their stuff to sell, mostly stuff they don't want anymore and are willing to let it go pretty cheaply, gather together in a single location and sell their wares to anybody that happens by and is interested. Nobody actually sells fleas. There's too many dogs that are MORE than willing to GIVE them away!!
We call 'em Garage Sales here! Stalls set up in someone's garage(carport), flogging off records, bits of electrical gear, toys, furniture... etc. either just to clear the clutter or because they might be moving and don't want to take all that "stuff" with them. Similar idea to your British Boot Sales, really(though how many boots get sold, I've no idea)
Yeah, we have garage sales and yard sales here, too, but that usually just means one persons things up for sale. The flea market allows a lot of people with stuff to sell to gather together in one place to sell their stuff. The local one is held in a parking lot (car park) and each slot in the car park is rented by a single seller for the $5.00 for the length of that day's sale. As it's a community parking lot owned by the borough, the borough gets the money to put towards things they need for the town.
Sounds good! More power to ya! Come to think of it, these events do happen here but occasionally they're held indoors in large(cavernous) auditoria or indoor sporting venues, A table set up, piled with goodies(?) to flog (?= depends on a buyer's view of the merchandise).
Yeah, we have them indoors, too, sometimes.
About once a year, Jerry will have a huge record sale. He'll rent out a huge hall and have dozens of tables of records, a few thousand per table, and they usually got for 25 - 50 cents per 45, maybe a dollar per album. I'm never there long enough to go through everything, so, I'm not sure what the 78's go for, if he sells any at all.
A "huge record sale" ay? You'd need an even more huge turntable to play them on! Geez, how heavy would the pick-up arm be? You'd get a hernia trying to lift it!
Yes, he DOES have 16" transcription and V-discs!!
OOOOUUUUCCCCHHHH!!!! - There goes the hernia!
Huge Record Sale: Huge records for sale! 20 foot wide and two foot thick! See the mental picture I'm trying to create here?
Yes, I got it, I was trying to turn it a different direction.
Well done jock girl so seems there are bargains to be had. It's the thrill like finding gold at the end of the rainbow, here's to bargain hunting good luck.
Got another bargain yesterday from the car boot sale. I had a job lot of 7"singles. They were 138 singles all in all,works out about 0.03p per single. Some of the artists include Elvis,Beatles,Bowie,Connie Francis,Sinatra,Adam faith,abba,nat king cole. Can't wait till next Sunday .
I've only got record shops left... Member since Jan 2013 34 Points
Lots of interesting finds and some great records. But real bargains which I had palpitations until I actually got past the till and out of the shop holding the vinyl..
Lydia MacDonald - Will Ye No Come Back Again LP - Peebles Charity Shop 50p. Them - Gloria/ Baby Please Don't Go (original Decca Demo) - 10p charity shop in Peebles The KLF - Kylie Said To Jason CDEP - £1.00 - Lizard records in St Mary's Street Edinburgh.
A Pile of Wire, Fall and Felt early singles in excellent sleeves - 10p each Dalkieth Charity shop Ennio Morricone - Musica Sul Velluto (1st pressing and mint) - 50p Different Charity shop in Dalkieth
Various David Oistrakh and Johanna Martzy 1st press Columbia LPs - 10p each in a tiny local charity shop in a wee village in Galloway.
The last one there was four years or so back. The final haul on that lot of classical lps was a BIGGIE, ran to a very healthy four figures, paid for holidays for a few years and the second hand car I'm still driving.
Ive had big loads of 60s rock record at a garage sale for 10 cents each, including every Cream, Byrds, and beatles album. Back in the 90s when a lot of clueless people were just dumping 'that old stuff' .
and then there was a rural garage sale in michigan where i got a hugr box of 1960s psych cut out lps in superb condition, fifty foot hose, kaleidoscope, houston fearless, Affinity, Ars Nova, Giant Crab, JD Blackfoot, Blackwood Apology, Daughters of albion, Earth Opera, Eire Apparent, Fever Tree, Fraternity of Man, Rex Holman, Jacobs Creek, Jamme, Linn County, Mother Earth, Sagitarius, demian, richard twice, hapshash and the coloured coat, colours, and a number of other obscurities. Mostly bands I had never heard of at the time, $10 for the whole box!
Best of all was Bob Dylan's first album, mono pressing, at Goodwill for $1. its AUTOGRAPHED
Turning rebellion into money since 1962 Member since Nov 2009 6578 Points Moderator
Still bargains out there, picked up yesterday a Paranoid LP by Black Sabbath, mint Vertigo 1st pressing (large Vertigo label), Creedence Clearwater Revival's Green River (original UK Liberty blue) and Magna Carta Live again on large Vertigo for £3 each.
The buyer wanted £3 an album because they had been on Ebay and had checked the prices out!
Last night I was given about 30 albums including Jimi Hendrix electric ladyland, the stones exile on Main Street with postcards still attached together, plus groundhogs albums, and lots of pink floyd albums all near perfect and first pressings I have still got a lot to go through. Still that will keep me busy for a bit. Is that the best bargain ever.
On Sunday morning at a car boot sale picked up a promo copy of Bob Marley 7" could you be loved plays excellent sleeve is mint all for the vast amount of money that is 0.25p. Got another load of lp's coming tonight that a friend does not want anymore including some led Zeppelin albums, thank god there are some people out there who hate vinyl haha.
If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3774 Points Moderator
Baggieman52 wrote:
On Sunday morning at a car boot sale picked up a promo copy of Bob Marley 7" could you be loved plays excellent sleeve is mint all for the vast amount of money that is 0.25p. Got another load of lp's coming tonight that a friend does not want anymore including some led Zeppelin albums, thank god there are some people out there who hate vinyl haha.
Did something particularly heavy fall on your friend's head recently?
Just checked out my freebies some of them are led Zeppelin physical graffiti , queen 11. Kraftwerk man machine first pressing. Now vol 1. The animals, supertramp , some Motown, the shadows, slade , deep purple. Soft cell. Human league. Bee gees. Rod Stewart every picture tells s story Italian pressing for 1971.and the moody blues
One was a Decca (Canada) 78 of I Met Him on a Sunday by the Shirelles Decca 30588. It went for about US$15 / £10 .. when it seems to regularly go for 4 times that.Seems only reason was a small edge chip that did not affect play.
Second is the 78 of Autumn Melody/ Rose Rose I Love you by Yao Lee on Indian Pathe for China (Pathe 35500. Got it for 25 cents at the local Sally Ann's -- its gone for over US$400 on eBay
"I Met Him On A Sunday"(Da-Doo-Ron-Ron) on a 78? how far behind the times was Canada? Here in Australia we in NSW used to joke about the state to our north, Queensland, being 20 years behind the times... but this example puts that one about Queensland in the shade! I know that India was still issuing on 78 well into the 1960s, but Canada.....?
Eh? This is from 1958...
I Met Him On A Sunday (Ronde-Ronde) by The Shirelles (1958) should not be confused with Da Doo Ron Ron by The Crystals (1963) the first line of which goes like this "I met him on a Sunday and my heart stood still, da doo ron ron ron da doo ron ron".