A few days ago I added the sitcom Growing Pains to the list. One cast name that caught my attention was Leonardo DiCaprio, who appeared as a supporting cast member for a while before he became a movie star. Today, out of nowhere, Huffington Post runs an article that says "did you know Leonardo DiCaprio was in Growing Pains?"
Rock, Country or R. & B. - Classic Hits for me! Member since Dec 2014 252 Points
If the media is watching this site, I want to renew my call to all music copyright protection organisations around the world to prohibit advertising agencies from using classic rock & pops songs in TV ads. Such a practice is an utter insult to those who wrote and/or performed these songs originally.
If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3767 Points Moderator
Well if that's the case, Post Huffington might be interested in the earlier Starsky and Hutch pilot which starred Humphrey Bogart and David Niven.... Andy Warhol production I think
Not to be a downer (which 99% I'm) if you look at the bottom of the article it says round the web this is where they normally get there information from most time there information comes from tv.com.
I put a comment on 45cat about the lyric to "Don't Stop Me Now" by Queen, and it's Mr Fahrenheit being at 100 degrees - I said he should really have been called Mr Centigrade. And in the next issue of Viz, there was a "reader's letter" saying the same!
@Harley I'm sure they get their information from elsewhere. But it just seemed kind of odd that for no reason whatsoever (there no Growing Pains reunion, DeCaprio has no movie coming out) that HuffPo would post something like this less than 48 hours after I uploaded the entry for the show which I chose purely at random. I just thought it was funny.
If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3767 Points Moderator
The Horror Channel (might have been movie mix) had The Dead Zone on the other day, which made me very happy...
...as we'd only recently been commenting on an entry for Communion I uploaded about some top Walken movies... and seeing as that hasn't been on the box for a while, it can seem like a remarkable coincidence.
(Showed The Prophecy too... which is brilliant also!)
Some nice person at one of these channels will fish it out the vault and pop it on the box for us... maybe we could start a requests thread if it works out!
@23skidoo I try not to be a downer LOL. And I do understand where your coming from as it would be nice to see the media using this site as a resource site.
Some nice person at one of these channels will fish it out the vault and pop it on the box for us... maybe we could start a requests thread if it works out!
Some nice person at one of these channels will fish it out the vault and pop it on the box for us... maybe we could start a requests thread if it works out!
One of my faves!!!
Of course, the danger with that is the studio people see that this and say:
"Oh, people seem to like that film, so let's remake it with Justin Blee-blob and Smiley Virus.... with Michael (please stop making films for the love of God!) Bay directing."
Some nice person at one of these channels will fish it out the vault and pop it on the box for us... maybe we could start a requests thread if it works out!
One of my faves!!!
Of course, the danger with that is the studio people see that this and say:
"Oh, people seem to like that film, so let's remake it with Justin Blee-blob and Smiley Virus.... with Michael (please stop making films for the love of God!) Bay directing."
Rock, Country or R. & B. - Classic Hits for me! Member since Dec 2014 252 Points
Record Collector wrote:
Ohh the FBI be on to you Neil sounds like a threat
Oh no! Quick RC, hide me!!! Seriously though, if this is about my call to all music copyright protection agencies(APRA and AMCO here is Australia), NCB in Britain and Scandinavian parts(Denmark, Sweden and such), BMI, ASCAP and SESAC in the USA, CAPAC in Canada, GEMA in Germany, BIEM in France, and all others, to protect the integrity of our classic rock and pop by putting it "OFF LIMITS" to TV Advertising agencies, then the FBI should be hunting the advertisers and giving them some grief and leaving me alone.